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Examples of errors detected by the V773…

Examples of errors detected by the V773 diagnostic

V773. Function exited without releasing the pointer/handle. A memory/resource leak is possible.


V773 The function was exited without releasing the 't' pointer. A memory leak is possible. 7z.cpp 202

BOOL WINAPI _export SEVENZ_OpenArchive(const char *Name,
                                       int *Type)
  Traverser *t = new Traverser(Name);
  if (!t->Valid())
    return FALSE;                             // <=
    delete t;                                 // <=

  delete s_selected_traverser;
  s_selected_traverser = t;
  return TRUE;


V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'pXmlDocProject' pointer. A memory leak is possible. projectpanel.cpp 326

bool ProjectPanel::openWorkSpace(const TCHAR *projectFileName)
  TiXmlDocument *pXmlDocProject = new TiXmlDocument(....);
  bool loadOkay = pXmlDocProject->LoadFile();
  if (!loadOkay)
    return false;        // <=

  TiXmlNode *root = pXmlDocProject->FirstChild(TEXT("Note...."));
  if (!root)
    return false;        // <=

  TiXmlNode *childNode = root->FirstChildElement(TEXT("Pr...."));
  if (!childNode)
    return false;        // <=

  if (!::PathFileExists(projectFileName))
    return false;        // <=


  delete pXmlDocProject; // <= free pointer
  return loadOkay;


V773 Visibility scope of the 'pTextFind' pointer was exited without releasing the memory. A memory leak is possible. findreplacedlg.cpp 1577

bool FindReplaceDlg::processReplace(....)
  TCHAR *pTextFind = new TCHAR[stringSizeFind + 1];
  TCHAR *pTextReplace = new TCHAR[stringSizeReplace + 1];
  lstrcpy(pTextFind, txt2find);
  lstrcpy(pTextReplace, txt2replace);


V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'doc' pointer. A memory leak is possible. sci_builddoc.cpp 263

int sci_buildDoc(char *fname, void* pvApiCtx)
    org_scilab_modules_helptools::SciDocMain * doc = new ....

    if (doc->setOutputDirectory((char *)outputDirectory.c_str()))
      Scierror(999, _("...."), fname, outputDirectory.c_str());
      return FALSE;  // <=
    if (doc != NULL)
      delete doc;
  catch (GiwsException::JniException ex)
    return FALSE;


V773 Visibility scope of the 'hProcess' handle was exited without releasing the resource. A resource leak is possible. killscilabprocess.c 35

void killScilabProcess(int exitCode)
  HANDLE hProcess;

  /* Ouverture de ce Process avec droit pour le tuer */
  hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, FALSE, ....);
  if (hProcess)
    /* Tue ce Process */
    TerminateProcess(hProcess, exitCode);
    MessageBox(NULL, "....", "Warning", MB_ICONWARNING);


V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'l' pointer. A memory leak is possible. transform.c 709

static void xfm_error(struct tree *xfm, const char *msg) {
  char *v = msg ? strdup(msg) : NULL;
  char *l = strdup("error");             // <=

  if (l == NULL || v == NULL)
    return;                              // <=
  tree_append(xfm, l, v);


V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'role_name' pointer. A memory leak is possible. navigator.c 991

char *generate_role_trait(AtspiAccessible * obj)
  return strdup(ret);

char *generate_description_trait(AtspiAccessible * obj) {
  return strdup(ret);

char *generate_state_trait(AtspiAccessible * obj)
  return strdup(ret);

static char *generate_description_from_relation_object(....)
  char *role_name = generate_role_trait(obj);
  char *description_from_role = generate_description_trait(obj);
  char *state_from_role = generate_state_trait(obj);
  char *desc = atspi_accessible_get_description(obj, &err);

  if (err)
    return strdup(trait);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'description_from_role' pointer. A memory leak is possible. navigator.c 991
  • V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'state_from_role' pointer. A memory leak is possible. navigator.c 991


V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'dupname' pointer. A memory leak is possible. e_comp_wl_rsm.c 639

#define EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN_VAL(exp, val)            \
do                                                          \
{                                                           \
  if (EINA_UNLIKELY((exp) == NULL))                         \
  {                                                         \
    EINA_LOG_ERR("%s", "safety ......: " # exp " == NULL"); \
    return (val);                                           \
  }                                                         \
}                                                           \
while (0)

static const char *
_remote_source_image_data_save(Thread_Data *td, const char *path,
                               const char *name)
  const char *dupname;
  dupname = strdup(fname);                                 // <=
  if (shm_buffer)
    ptr = wl_shm_buffer_get_data(shm_buffer);
    EINA_SAFETY_ON_NULL_RETURN_VAL(ptr, NULL);             // <=

EFL Core Libraries

V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'colors' pointer. A memory leak is possible. edje_cc_handlers.c 7335

static Edje_Map_Color **
_copied_map_colors_get(Edje_Part_Description_Common *parent)
   Edje_Map_Color **colors;
   Edje_Map_Color *color;
   int i;

   if (parent->map.colors_count == 0) return NULL;
   colors = malloc(sizeof(Edje_Map_Color *) *            // <= #1

   for (i = 0; i < (int)parent->map.colors_count; i++)
        color = parent->map.colors[i];

        Edje_Map_Color *c = mem_alloc(SZ(Edje_Map_Color));
        if (!color)                                      // <= #2
             ERR("not enough memory");
             exit(-1);                                   // <= #3
             return NULL;                                // <= #4
        memcpy(c, color, sizeof(Edje_Map_Color));
        colors[i] = c;
   return colors;

Details: https://www.viva64.com/en/b/0508/


V773 Visibility scope of the 'beam' pointer was exited without releasing the memory. A memory leak is possible. read114.cpp 2334

Score::FileError MasterScore::read114(XmlReader& e)
  else if (tag == "Excerpt") {
    if (MScore::noExcerpts)
    else {
      Excerpt* ex = new Excerpt(this);
  else if (tag == "Beam") {
    Beam* beam = new Beam(this);
    // _beams.append(beam);       // <=


V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'testFile' pointer. A memory leak is possible. RIFFAudioFile.cpp 561

RIFFAudioFile::identifySubType(const QString &filename)
  std::ifstream *testFile =
    new std::ifstream(filename.toLocal8Bit(),
                      std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);

  if (!(*testFile))
    return UNKNOWN;
  delete testFile;
  delete [] bytes;

  return type;


V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'midiFile' pointer. A memory leak is possible. MidiFile.cpp 1531

MidiFile::write(const QString &filename)
  std::ofstream *midiFile =
    new std::ofstream(filename.toLocal8Bit(),
                        std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);

  if (!(*midiFile)) {
    RG_WARNING << "write() - can't write file";
    m_format = MIDI_FILE_NOT_LOADED;
    return false;

  return true;


V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'mootcher' pointer. A memory leak is possible. sfdb_ui.cc 1064

SoundFileBrowser::freesound_get_audio_file(Gtk::TreeIter iter)

  Mootcher *mootcher = new Mootcher;
  std::string file;

  string id  = (*iter)[freesound_list_columns.id];
  string uri = (*iter)[freesound_list_columns.uri];
  string ofn = (*iter)[freesound_list_columns.filename];

  if (mootcher->checkAudioFile(ofn, id)) {
    // file already exists, no need to download it again
    file = mootcher->audioFileName;
    delete mootcher;
    (*iter)[freesound_list_columns.started] = false;
    return file;
  if (!(*iter)[freesound_list_columns.started]) {
    // start downloading the sound file
    (*iter)[freesound_list_columns.started] = true;
    mootcher->fetchAudioFile(ofn, id, uri, this);
  return "";

Steinberg SDKs

V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'paramIds' pointer. A memory leak is possible. vsttestsuite.cpp 436

bool PLUGIN_API VstScanParametersTest::run (....)
  int32* paramIds = new int32[numParameters];

  bool foundBypass = false;
  for (int32 i = 0; i < numParameters; ++i)
    ParameterInfo paramInfo = {0};

    tresult result = controller->getParameterInfo (i, paramInfo);
    if (result != kResultOk)
      addErrorMessage (testResult,
        printf ("Param %03d: is missing!!!", i));
      return false; // Memory Leak

    int32 paramId = paramInfo.id;
    paramIds[i] = paramId;
    if (paramId < 0)
      addErrorMessage (testResult,
        printf ("Param %03d: Invalid Id!!!", i));
      return false; // Memory Leak
  if (paramIds)
    delete[] paramIds;

  return true;


V773 CWE-401 The function was exited without releasing the 'n' pointer. A memory leak is possible. android_rsa.cc 248

uint32_t* BnNew() {
  uint32_t* result = new uint32_t[kBigIntSize];
  memset(result, 0, kBigIntSize * sizeof(uint32_t));
  return result;

std::string AndroidRSAPublicKey(crypto::RSAPrivateKey* key) {
  uint32_t* n = BnNew();
  RSAPublicKey pkey;
  pkey.len = kRSANumWords;
  pkey.exponent = 65537; // Fixed public exponent
  pkey.n0inv = 0 - ModInverse(n0, 0x100000000LL);
  if (pkey.n0inv == 0)
    return kDummyRSAPublicKey;

If pkey.n0inv == 0, a memory leak will occur.


V773 CWE-401 The function was exited without releasing the 'rules' pointer. A memory leak is possible. rbtz.cpp 668

RuleBasedTimeZone::copyRules(UVector* source) {
    if (source == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    int32_t size = source->size();
    UVector *rules = new UVector(size, ec);
    if (U_FAILURE(ec)) {
        return NULL;

In case of erroneous situation the delete operator isn't called.


V773 CWE-401 The function was exited without releasing the 'tmpSet' pointer. A memory leak is possible. uspoof_impl.cpp 184

void SpoofImpl::setAllowedLocales(const char *localesList,
                                  UErrorCode &status) {
  fAllowedLocales = uprv_strdup("");
  tmpSet = new UnicodeSet(0, 0x10ffff);
  if (fAllowedLocales == NULL || tmpSet == NULL) {

In case of object copying the delete operator is not called.


V773 CWE-401 The function was exited without releasing the 'result' pointer. A memory leak is possible. stsearch.cpp 301

SearchIterator * StringSearch::safeClone(void) const
  UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
  StringSearch *result = new StringSearch(m_pattern_, m_text_,
  result->setOffset(getOffset(), status);
  if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
    return NULL;
  return result;

In case of erroneous situation the delete operator is not called.

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V773 CWE-401 The function was exited without releasing the 'values' pointer. A memory leak is possible. tznames_impl.cpp 154
  • V773 CWE-401 The function was exited without releasing the 'filter' pointer. A memory leak is possible. tridpars.cpp 298
  • V773 CWE-401 The function was exited without releasing the 'targets' pointer. A memory leak is possible. transreg.cpp 984
  • And 2 additional diagnostic messages.


V773 CWE-401 The function was exited without releasing the 'new_frame' pointer. A memory leak is possible. mkvmuxer.cc 3513

bool Segment::AddGenericFrame(const Frame* frame) {
  Frame* const new_frame = new (std::nothrow) Frame();
  if (!new_frame || !new_frame->CopyFrom(*frame))
    return false;

In case of erroneous situation the delete operator is not called.

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V773 CWE-401 The function was exited without releasing the 'new_frame' pointer. A memory leak is possible. mkvmuxer.cc 3539


V773 CWE-401 The function was exited without releasing the 'node' pointer. A memory leak is possible. intermediate.cpp 405

TIntermTyped* TIntermediate::addBinaryMath(....)
  TIntermBinary* node = new TIntermBinary(op);

  if (!node->promote(infoSink))
    return 0;

In case of erroneous situation the delete operator is not called.

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V773 CWE-401 The function was exited without releasing the 'node' pointer. A memory leak is possible. intermediate.cpp 443
  • V773 CWE-401 The function was exited without releasing the 'node' pointer. A memory leak is possible. intermediate.cpp 514
  • V773 CWE-401 The function was exited without releasing the 'rightUnionArray' pointer. A memory leak is possible. intermediate.cpp 1457
  • And 2 additional diagnostic messages.


V773 CWE-401 The function was exited without releasing the 'pContext' pointer. A memory leak is possible. fx_codec_jpeg.cpp 421

  auto* pContext = new CJpegContext();
  if (setjmp(pContext->m_JumpMark) == -1)
    return nullptr;

In case of erroneous situation the delete operator is not called.

EA WebKit

V773 CWE-401 The function was exited without releasing the 'transform_css_value' pointer. A memory leak is possible. csstransformvalue.cpp 73

static CSSValueList* CreateSpaceSeparated() {
  return new CSSValueList(kSpaceSeparator);

const CSSValue* CSSTransformValue::ToCSSValue(....) const {
  CSSValueList* transform_css_value =
  for (size_t i = 0; i < transform_components_.size(); i++) {
    const CSSValue* component =
    if (!component)
      return nullptr;                              // <=
  return transform_css_value;

In case of erroneous situation the delete operator is not called.

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V773 CWE-401 The function was exited without releasing the 'image_set' pointer. A memory leak is possible. csspropertyparserhelpers.cpp 1507
  • V773 CWE-401 The function was exited without releasing the 'list' pointer. A memory leak is possible. csspropertyparserhelpers.cpp 1619
  • V773 CWE-401 The function was exited without releasing the 'shape' pointer. A memory leak is possible. cssparsingutils.cpp 248
  • And 12 additional diagnostic messages.

EA WebKit

V773 CWE-401 The function was exited without releasing the 'list' pointer. A memory leak is possible. computedstylecssvaluemapping.cpp 1232

static CSSValueList* CreateSpaceSeparated() {
  return new CSSValueList(kSpaceSeparator);

static CSSValue* RenderTextDecorationFlagsToCSSValue(
    TextDecoration text_decoration)
  CSSValueList* list = CSSValueList::CreateSpaceSeparated();
  if (!list->length())
    return CSSIdentifierValue::Create(CSSValueNone);
  return list;

In case of erroneous situation the delete operator is not called.

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V773 CWE-401 The function was exited without releasing the 'list' pointer. A memory leak is possible. computedstylecssvaluemapping.cpp 1678
  • V773 CWE-401 The function was exited without releasing the 'list' pointer. A memory leak is possible. computedstylecssvaluemapping.cpp 1727
  • V773 CWE-401 The function was exited without releasing the 'list' pointer. A memory leak is possible. computedstylecssvaluemapping.cpp 2036
  • And 13 additional diagnostic messages.

EA WebKit

V773 CWE-401 The function was exited without releasing the 'port_array' pointer. A memory leak is possible. v8messageeventcustom.cpp 127

void V8MessageEvent::initMessageEventMethodCustom(....)
  MessagePortArray* port_array = nullptr;
  port_array = new MessagePortArray;
  *port_array =
      info.GetIsolate(), info[kPortArrayIndex], exception_state);
  if (exception_state.HadException())

In case of erroneous situation the delete operator is not called.

EA WebKit

V773 CWE-401 The function was exited without releasing the 'temporary_body' pointer. A memory leak is possible. request.cpp 381

Request* Request::CreateRequestWithRequestOrString(....)
  BodyStreamBuffer* temporary_body = ....;
  temporary_body =
   new BodyStreamBuffer(script_state, std::move(init.GetBody()));
  if (exception_state.HadException())
    return nullptr;

In case of erroneous situation the delete operator is not called.

XNU kernel

V773 CWE-401 The 'nub' pointer was assigned values twice without releasing the memory. A memory leak is possible. IOPlatformExpert.cpp 1287

IOService * IODTPlatformExpert::createNub(IORegistryEntry * from)
  IOService *    nub;

  nub = new IOPlatformDevice;
  if (nub) {
    if( !nub->init( from, gIODTPlane )) {
      nub = 0;
  return (nub);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V773 CWE-401 The 'inst' pointer was assigned values twice without releasing the memory. A memory leak is possible. IOUserClient.cpp 246
  • V773 CWE-401 The 'myself' pointer was assigned values twice without releasing the memory. A memory leak is possible. IOPMrootDomain.cpp 9151


V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'svgSymbol' pointer. A memory leak is possible. SvgParser.cpp 681

bool SvgParser::parseSymbol(const KoXmlElement &e)

    KoSvgSymbol *svgSymbol = new KoSvgSymbol();         // <=

    m_context.pushGraphicsContext(e, false);
    m_context.currentGC()->matrix = QTransform();
    m_context.currentGC()->currentBoundingBox = QRectF(0.0, 0.0,
                                                       1.0, 1.0);

    QString title =

    KoShape *symbolShape = parseGroup(e);


    if (!symbolShape) return false;                     // <=

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'ppmFlow' pointer. A memory leak is possible. kis_ppm_import.cpp 249
  • V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'keyShortcut' pointer. A memory leak is possible. kis_input_manager_p.cpp 443
  • V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'layerRecord' pointer. A memory leak is possible. psd_layer_section.cpp 109
  • And 1 additional diagnostic messages.


V773 CWE-401 The function was exited without releasing the 'pAsset' pointer. A memory leak is possible. Asset.cpp 296

Asset* Asset::createFromUncompressedMap(FileMap* dataMap,
  AccessMode mode)
  _FileAsset* pAsset;
  status_t result;

  pAsset = new _FileAsset;
  result = pAsset->openChunk(dataMap);
  if (result != NO_ERROR)
    return NULL;

  pAsset->mAccessMode = mode;
  return pAsset;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V773 CWE-401 The function was exited without releasing the 'type_rules' pointer. A memory leak is possible. typecmp.c 177
  • V773 CWE-401 The function was exited without releasing the 'pAsset' pointer. A memory leak is possible. Asset.cpp 330
  • V773 CWE-401 The function was exited without releasing the 'new_bag' pointer. A memory leak is possible. AssetManager2.cpp 549
  • And 17 additional diagnostic messages.


V773 CWE-401 The function was exited without releasing the 'pfin' handle. A resource leak is possible. slang_rs_reflection_cpp.cpp 448

bool RSReflectionCpp::genEncodedBitCode() {
  FILE *pfin = fopen(mBitCodeFilePath.c_str(), "rb");
  if (pfin == nullptr) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: could not read file %s\n",
    return false;

  unsigned char buf[16];
  int read_length;
  mOut.indent() << "static const unsigned char __txt[] =";
  while ((read_length = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), pfin)) > 0) {
    for (int i = 0; i < read_length; i++) {
      char buf2[16];
      snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), "0x%02x,", buf[i]);
      mOut << buf2;
    mOut << "\n";
  mOut << "\n";
  return true;

Vangers: One For The Road

V773 CWE-401 Visibility scope of the 'buf' pointer was exited without releasing the memory. A memory leak is possible. iscr_fnc.cpp 1174

void iInitText(....)
  char *buf;
  buf = new char[text_len];
  memcpy(buf, text, text_len);
  i = 0;
  while (i < text_len)
    while (!buf[i]) i++;
    if (i < text_len)
      while (buf[i]) i++;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V773 CWE-401 Visibility scope of the 'buf' pointer was exited without releasing the memory. A memory leak is possible. iscr_fnc.cpp 1209

0 A.D.

V773 CWE-401 The function was exited without releasing the 'f' handle. A resource leak is possible. unix.cpp 332

#define WARN_RETURN(status)\
    return status;\

Status sys_generate_random_bytes(u8* buf, size_t count)
  FILE* f = fopen("/dev/urandom", "rb");
  if (!f)

  while (count)
    size_t numread = fread(buf, 1, count, f);
    if (numread == 0)
    buf += numread;
    count -= numread;

  return INFO::OK;

0 A.D.

V773 CWE-401 The function was exited without releasing the 'impl' pointer. A memory leak is possible. x.cpp 421

#define WARN_RETURN(status)\
    return status;\

Status sys_cursor_create(....)
  sys_cursor_impl* impl = new sys_cursor_impl;
  impl->image = image;
  impl->cursor = XcursorImageLoadCursor(wminfo.info.x11.display, image);
  if(impl->cursor == None)

  *cursor = static_cast<sys_cursor>(impl);
  return INFO::OK;


V773 CWE-401 The function was exited without releasing the 'node' pointer. A memory leak is possible. intermediate.cpp 58

TIntermTyped *TIntermediate::addBinaryMath(....)
  TIntermBinary *node = new TIntermBinary(op);

  if (!node->promote(mInfoSink))
    return NULL;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V773 CWE-401 The function was exited without releasing the 'node' pointer. A memory leak is possible. intermediate.cpp 90
  • V773 CWE-401 The function was exited without releasing the 'node' pointer. A memory leak is possible. intermediate.cpp 133
  • V773 CWE-401 The function was exited without releasing the 'leftArray' pointer. A memory leak is possible. intermnode.cpp 957
  • And 2 additional diagnostic messages.


V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'newVertex1' pointer. A memory leak is possible. mesh.c 312

static GLUESvertex* allocVertex()
   return (GLUESvertex*)memAlloc(sizeof(GLUESvertex));

GLUEShalfEdge* __gl_meshMakeEdge(GLUESmesh* mesh)
  GLUESvertex* newVertex1 = allocVertex();
  GLUESvertex* newVertex2 = allocVertex();
  GLUESface* newFace = allocFace();
  GLUEShalfEdge* e;


  e = MakeEdge(&mesh->eHead);
  if (e == NULL)
    return NULL;


Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'newVertex2' pointer. A memory leak is possible. mesh.c 312
  • V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'newFace' pointer. A memory leak is possible. mesh.c 312


V773 CWE-401 The exception was thrown without releasing the 'element' pointer. A memory leak is possible. projectlibrary.cpp 245

template <typename ElementType>
void ProjectLibrary::loadElements(....) {
  ElementType* element = new ElementType(elementDir, false);  // can throw
  if (elementList.contains(element->getUuid())) {
    throw RuntimeError(
        __FILE__, __LINE__,
        QString(tr("There are multiple library elements with the same "
                   "UUID in the directory \"%1\""))

Windows Calculator

V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'temp' pointer. A memory leak is possible. CalcViewModel StandardCalculatorViewModel.cpp 529

void StandardCalculatorViewModel::HandleUpdatedOperandData(Command cmdenum)
  wchar_t* temp = new wchar_t[100];
  if (commandIndex == 0)
    delete [] temp;
  length = m_selectedExpressionLastData->Length() + 1;
  if (length > 50)
  String^ updatedData = ref new String(temp);
  UpdateOperand(m_tokenPosition, updatedData);
  displayExpressionToken->Token = updatedData;
  IsOperandUpdatedUsingViewModel = true;
  displayExpressionToken->CommandIndex = commandIndex;


V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'cwd' pointer. A memory leak is possible. environment.c 84

DWORD GetCurrentDirectoryA(DWORD nBufferLength, LPSTR lpBuffer)
  char* cwd;
  cwd = getcwd(NULL, 0);
  if (lpBuffer == NULL)
    return 0;

  if ((length + 1) > nBufferLength)
    return (DWORD) (length + 1);

  memcpy(lpBuffer, cwd, length + 1);
  return length;

Haiku Operation System

V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'inputFileFile' pointer. A memory leak is possible. command_recompress.cpp 119

command_recompress(int argc, const char* const* argv)
  BFile* inputFileFile = new BFile;
  error = inputFileFile->SetTo(inputPackageFileName, O_RDONLY);
  if (error != B_OK) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: Failed to open input file \"%s\": %s\n",
      inputPackageFileName, strerror(error));
    return 1;
  inputFile = inputFileFile;

Bullet Physics SDK

V773 Visibility scope of the 'importer' pointer was exited without releasing the memory. A memory leak is possible. SerializeSetup.cpp 94

void SerializeSetup::initPhysics()
  btBulletWorldImporter* importer = new btBulletWorldImporter(m_dynamicsWorld);




V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'testRun' pointer. A memory leak is possible. cmCTestMultiProcessHandler.cxx 193

void cmCTestMultiProcessHandler::FinishTestProcess(cmCTestRunTest* runner,
                                                   bool started)
  delete runner;
  if (started) {

bool cmCTestMultiProcessHandler::StartTestProcess(int test)
  cmCTestRunTest* testRun = new cmCTestRunTest(*this);    // <=
  if (testRun->StartTest(this->Completed, this->Total)) {
      return true;                                        // <=

  this->FinishTestProcess(testRun, false);                // <=
  return false;


V773 The function was exited without closing the file referenced by the 'fd' handle. A resource leak is possible. rhash.c 450

RHASH_API int rhash_file(....)
  FILE* fd;
  rhash ctx;
  int res;

  hash_id &= RHASH_ALL_HASHES;
  if (hash_id == 0) {
    errno = EINVAL;
    return -1;

  if ((fd = fopen(filepath, "rb")) == NULL) return -1;

  if ((ctx = rhash_init(hash_id)) == NULL) return -1;  // <= fclose(fd); ???

  res = rhash_file_update(ctx, fd);

  rhash_final(ctx, result);
  return res;


V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'vertexShader' pointer. A memory leak is possible. modelviewwidget.cpp 1517

ModelViewWidget::createShader(const ShaderKey& shaderKey)
  auto* glShader = new GLShaderProgram();
  auto* vertexShader = new GLVertexShader();
  if (!vertexShader->compile(vertexShaderSource.toStdString()))
      qWarning("Vertex shader error: %s", vertexShader->log().c_str());
      std::cerr << vertexShaderSource.toStdString() << std::endl;
      delete glShader;
      return nullptr;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'fragmentShader' pointer. A memory leak is possible. modelviewwidget.cpp 1526


V773 Visibility scope of the 'progressHandler' pointer was exited without releasing the memory. A memory leak is possible. PVRGUIChannelIconUpdater.cpp:94

void CPVRGUIChannelIconUpdater::SearchAndUpdateMissingChannelIcons() const
  CPVRGUIProgressHandler* progressHandler =
      new CPVRGUIProgressHandler(g_localizeStrings.Get(19286));
  for (const auto& group : m_groups)
    const std::vector<PVRChannelGroupMember> members = group->GetMembers();
    int channelIndex = 0;
    for (const auto& member : members)
            channelIndex++, members.size());


V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'optionlist' pointer. A memory leak is possible. TDataMember.cxx 355

void TDataMember::Init(bool afterReading)
  TList *optionlist = new TList();       //storage for options strings

  for (i=0;i<token_cnt;i++) {
     if (strstr(tokens[i],"Items")) {
        ptr1 = R__STRTOK_R(tokens[i], "()", &rest);
        if (ptr1 == 0) {
           Fatal("TDataMember","Internal error, found \"Items....",GetTitle());
        ptr1 = R__STRTOK_R(nullptr, "()", &rest);
        if (ptr1 == 0) {
           Fatal("TDataMember","Internal error, found \"Items....",GetTitle());
  // dispose of temporary option list...
  delete optionlist;

Command & Conquer

V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'progresspalette' pointer. A memory leak is possible. MAPSEL.CPP 258

void Map_Selection(void)
  unsigned char *grey2palette    = new unsigned char[768];
  unsigned char *progresspalette = new unsigned char[768];
  scenario = Scenario + ((house == HOUSE_GOOD) ? 0 : 14);
  if (house == HOUSE_GOOD) {
    lastscenario = (Scenario == 14);
    if (Scenario == 15) return;
  } else {
    lastscenario = (Scenario == 12);
    if (Scenario == 13) return;

void AbstractClass::Delete_This(void) { unsigned long *this_ptr = (unsigned long*) this; unsigned long vtable_ptr = *this_ptr; delete this; *this_ptr = vtable_ptr; }


V773 [CWE-401] The exception was thrown without releasing the 'result' pointer. A memory leak is possible. libopenrct2 ObjectFactory.cpp 443

Object* CreateObjectFromJson(....)
  Object* result = nullptr;
  result = CreateObject(entry);
  if (readContext.WasError())
    throw std::runtime_error("Object has errors");
Object* CreateObject(const rct_object_entry& entry)
  Object* result;
  switch (entry.GetType())
      result = new RideObject(entry);
      result = new SmallSceneryObject(entry);
      result = new LargeSceneryObject(entry);
      throw std::runtime_error("Invalid object type");
  return result;


V773 [CWE-401] The function was exited without releasing the 'input' pointer. A memory leak is possible. pmemobjcli.c 238

static enum pocli_ret
pocli_args_obj_root(struct pocli_ctx *ctx, char *in, PMEMoid **oidp)
  char *input = strdup(in);
  if (!input)
    return POCLI_ERR_MALLOC;

  if (!oidp)
    return POCLI_ERR_PARS;


V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'rule' pointer. A memory leak is possible. blkdebug.c 218

static int add_rule(void *opaque, QemuOpts *opts, Error **errp)
  struct BlkdebugRule *rule;
  rule = g_malloc0(sizeof(*rule));
  if (local_error) {
    error_propagate(errp, local_error);
    return -1;
  /* Add the rule */
  QLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&s->rules[event], rule, next);

The add_rule function doesn't free '*rule' pointer.


V773 The exception was thrown without closing the file referenced by the 'ffind' handle. A resource leak is possible. dir_nav_kernel_1.cpp 60

void file::
init (
    const std::string& name
  // now find the size of this file
  WIN32_FIND_DATAA data;
  HANDLE ffind = FindFirstFileA(state.full_name.c_str(), &data);
  if (ffind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ||
      (data.dwFileAttributes&FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0)
      throw file_not_found("Unable to find file " + name);


V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'data' pointer. A memory leak is possible. edit-fst.h 311

// EditFstData method implementations: just the Read method.
template <typename A, typename WrappedFstT, typename MutableFstT>
EditFstData<A, WrappedFstT, MutableFstT> *
EditFstData<A, WrappedFstT, MutableFstT>::Read(std::istream &strm,
                                               const FstReadOptions &opts)
  auto *data = new EditFstData<A, WrappedFstT, MutableFstT>();
  // next read in MutabelFstT machine that stores edits
  FstReadOptions edits_opts(opts);


  std::unique_ptr<MutableFstT> edits(MutableFstT::Read(strm, edits_opts));
  if (!edits) return nullptr; // <=


Espressif IoT Development Framework

V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'sm' pointer. A memory leak is possible. esp_wpa2.c 753

static int eap_peer_sm_init(void)
  int ret = 0;
  struct eap_sm *sm;
  sm = (struct eap_sm *)os_zalloc(sizeof(*sm));
  if (sm == NULL) {
    return ESP_ERR_NO_MEM;

  s_wpa2_data_lock = xSemaphoreCreateRecursiveMutex();
  if (!s_wpa2_data_lock) {
    wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, ".......");  // NOLINT(clang-analyzer-unix.Malloc)
    return ESP_ERR_NO_MEM;


V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'pi' pointer. A memory leak is possible. bnfa_search.c 1168

int _bnfa_conv_list_to_csparse_array(bnfa_struct_t * bnfa)
  bnfa_state_t    * ps; /* transition list */
  bnfa_state_t    * pi; /* state indexes into ps */
  bnfa_state_t      ps_index = 0;
  unsigned       nps;

  ps = BNFA_MALLOC(....);
  if (!ps)
    return -1;
  bnfa->bnfaTransList = ps;

  pi = BNFA_MALLOC(....);
  if (!pi)
    return -1;


  if (ps_index > nps)
    return -1;
  BNFA_FREE(pi, ....);
  return 0;

POCO C++ Libraries

V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'pAdapterInfo' pointer. A memory leak is possible. Environment_WIN32U.cpp(212), Environment_WIN32U.cpp(198)

void EnvironmentImpl::nodeIdImpl(NodeId& id)
  std::memset(&id, 0, sizeof(id));

  PIP_ADAPTER_INFO pAdapterInfo;
  PIP_ADAPTER_INFO pAdapter = 0;
  ULONG len    = sizeof(IP_ADAPTER_INFO);
  pAdapterInfo = reinterpret_cast<IP_ADAPTER_INFO*>(new char[len]);
  // Make an initial call to GetAdaptersInfo to get
  // the necessary size into len
  DWORD rc = GetAdaptersInfo(pAdapterInfo, &len);
    delete [] reinterpret_cast<char*>(pAdapterInfo);
    pAdapterInfo = reinterpret_cast<IP_ADAPTER_INFO*>(new char[len]);
  else if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS)


V773 [CWE-401, CERT-MEM31-C, CERT-MEM51-CPP] Visibility scope of the 'Frag' pointer was exited without releasing the memory. A memory leak is possible. WinCOFFObjectWriter.cpp 1116

uint64_t WinCOFFObjectWriter::writeObject(MCAssembler &Asm,
                                          const MCAsmLayout &Layout) {
  if (EmitAddrsigSection) {
    auto Frag = new MCDataFragment(AddrsigSection);
    raw_svector_ostream OS(Frag->getContents());
    for (const MCSymbol *S : AddrsigSyms) {
      if (!S->isTemporary()) {
        encodeULEB128(S->getIndex(), OS);

      MCSection *TargetSection = &S->getSection();
      assert(SectionMap.find(TargetSection) != SectionMap.end() &&
             "Section must already have been defined in "
      encodeULEB128(SectionMap[TargetSection]->Symbol->getIndex(), OS);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V773 [CWE-401, CERT-MEM31-C, CERT-MEM51-CPP] Visibility scope of the 'Frag' pointer was exited without releasing the memory. A memory leak is possible. WinCOFFObjectWriter.cpp 1130

Protocol Buffers

V773 [CWE-401] The function was exited without releasing the 'handle' handle. A resource leak is possible. io_win32.cc 400

ExpandWildcardsResult ExpandWildcards(
    const string& path, std::function<void(const string&)> consume) {
  HANDLE handle = ::FindFirstFileW(wpath.c_str(), &metadata);
  do {
    // Ignore ".", "..", and directories.
    if ((metadata.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0 &&
        kDot != metadata.cFileName && kDotDot != metadata.cFileName) {
      matched = ExpandWildcardsResult::kSuccess;
      string filename;
      if (!strings::wcs_to_utf8(metadata.cFileName, &filename)) {
        return ExpandWildcardsResult::kErrorOutputPathConversion;       // <=
  } while (::FindNextFileW(handle, &metadata));
  return matched;


V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'buffer' pointer. A memory leak is possible. rsx_debugger.cpp 380

u8* convert_to_QImage_buffer(rsx::surface_color_format format,
                             std::span<const std::byte> orig_buffer,
                             usz width, usz height) noexcept
  u8* buffer = static_cast<u8*>(std::malloc(width * height * 4));
  if (!buffer || width == 0 || height == 0)
    return nullptr;
  for (u32 i = 0; i < width * height; i++)
    // depending on original buffer, the colors may need to be reversed
    const auto &colors = get_value(orig_buffer, format, i);
    buffer[0 + i * 4] = colors[0];
    buffer[1 + i * 4] = colors[1];
    buffer[2 + i * 4] = colors[2];
    buffer[3 + i * 4] = 255;
  return buffer;


V773 [CERT-MEM31-C, CERT-MEM51-CPP] The function was exited without releasing the 'worldImporter' pointer. A memory leak is possible. PhysicsServerCommandProcessor.cpp 4742

bool PhysicsServerCommandProcessor::processCreateCollisionShapeCommand(....)
  btMultiBodyWorldImporter* worldImporter = new btMultiBodyWorldImporter(....);
  const unsigned char* heightfieldData = 0;
  heightfieldData = new unsigned char[width * height * sizeof(btScalar)];
  delete heightfieldData;
  return ....;


V773 The exception was thrown without releasing the 'object' pointer. A memory leak is possible. MapFormatH3M.cpp 1173

CGObjectInstance *CMapLoaderH3M::readDwellingRandom(....)
  auto *object = new CGDwelling();
  CSpecObjInfo *spec = nullptr;

    spec = new CCreGenLeveledCastleInfo();
    spec = new CCreGenAsCastleInfo();
    spec = new CCreGenLeveledInfo();
    throw std::runtime_error("Invalid random dwelling format");

  spec->owner = object;


  object->info = spec;
  return object;


V773 The 'randomFaction' pointer was not released in destructor. A memory leak is possible. CTownHandler.cpp 282

  randomTown(new CTown()),
  randomFaction(new CFaction())
  randomFaction->town = randomTown;
  randomTown->faction = randomFaction;
  randomFaction->identifier = "random";
  randomFaction->modScope = "core";

  delete randomTown;


V773 Visibility scope of the 'imageList' pointer was exited without releasing the memory. A memory leak is possible. acceltabledlg.cpp:61, acceltabledlg.cpp:47

AccelTableDlg::AccelTableDlg(wxWindow* parent)
  : AccelTableBaseDlg(parent)
  wxImageList* imageList = new wxImageList(16, 16); // <=





Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V773 Visibility scope of the 'pDump' pointer was exited without releasing the memory. A memory leak is possible. ErdCommitWizard.cpp:273, ErdCommitWizard.cpp:219
  • V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'argv' pointer. A memory leak is possible. unixprocess_impl.cpp:288, unixprocess_impl.cpp:286
  • V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'child' pointer. A memory leak is possible. compilersfoundmodel.cpp:135, compilersfoundmodel.cpp:127
  • And 1 additional diagnostic messages.


V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'root' pointer. A memory leak is possible. gcov.cc 1525

static void
generate_results (const char *file_name)

  json::object *root = new json::object ();
  root->set ("format_version", new json::string ("1"));
  root->set ("gcc_version", new json::string (version_string));

  if (....)
    root->set ("current_working_directory", new json::string (bbg_cwd));
  root->set ("data_file", new json::string (file_name));

  json::array *json_files = new json::array ();
  root->set ("files", json_files);


  if (....)
    if (....)
      root->dump (stdout);
      printf ("\n");
      pretty_printer pp;
      root->print (&pp);


V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'pwd' pointer. A memory leak is possible. libgcov-util.c 450, libgcov-util.c 434

struct gcov_info *
gcov_read_profile_dir (const char* dir_name,
                       int recompute_summary ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
  char *pwd;
  int ret;

  read_profile_dir_init ();

  if (access (dir_name, R_OK) != 0)
    fnotice (stderr, "cannot access directory %s\n", dir_name);
    return NULL;
  pwd = getcwd (NULL, 0);                                     // <=
  gcc_assert (pwd);
  ret = chdir (dir_name);
  if (ret != 0)
    fnotice (stderr, "%s is not a directory\n", dir_name);
    return NULL;                                              // <=
#ifdef HAVE_FTW_H
  ftw (".", ftw_read_file, 50);
  chdir (pwd);
  free (pwd);                                                 // <=
  return gcov_info_head;;


V773 [CWE-401, CERT-MEM31-C, CERT-MEM51-CPP] The 's' pointer was assigned values twice without releasing the memory. A memory leak is possible. demo3widget.c 79

static gboolean
query_tooltip (....)
  char *s, *s2;
  do {
    s = g_strdup_printf ("%.*f", precision, self->scale);
    l = strlen (s) - 1;
    while (s[l] == '0')
    if (s[l] == '.')
      s[l] = '\0';
  } while (strcmp (s, "0") == 0);

  label = gtk_label_new (s);
  g_free (s);


V773 [CWE-401, CERT-MEM31-C, CERT-MEM51-CPP] The function was exited without releasing the 'new_order' pointer. A memory leak is possible. testtreecolumns.c 441

static void
update_columns (GtkTreeView *view, ViewColumnModel *view_model)
  int *new_order;
  new_order = g_new (int, length);      // <=
  while (a->data == b->data)
    a = a->next;
    b = b->next;
    if (a == NULL)
      return;                           // <=
  g_free (new_order);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V773 [CWE-401, CERT-MEM31-C, CERT-MEM51-CPP] The function was exited without releasing the 'data' pointer. A memory leak is possible. widget-factory.c 1307
  • V773 [CWE-401, CERT-MEM31-C, CERT-MEM51-CPP] The function was exited without releasing the 'args' pointer. A memory leak is possible. gskglshader.c 1004
  • V773 [CWE-401, CERT-MEM31-C, CERT-MEM51-CPP] The function was exited without releasing the 'url' pointer. A memory leak is possible. gtkcsstokenizer.c 973
  • And 9 additional diagnostic messages.

Microsoft PowerToys

V773 Visibility scope of the 'proc' handle was exited without releasing the resource. A resource leak is possible. settings_window.cpp 635

void close_settings_window()
  if (g_settings_process_id != 0)
    HANDLE proc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, false, g_settings_process_id);
    if (proc != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
      TerminateProcess(proc, 0);

Qt Creator

V773 [CWE-401, CERT-MEM31-C, CERT-MEM51-CPP] The return value of the 'createUserSettings' function is not saved. A memory leak is possible. main.cpp 422

QString crashReportsPath()
  std::unique_ptr<Utils::QtcSettings> settings(createUserSettings());
  QFileInfo(settings->fileName()).path() + "/crashpad_reports";
  if (Utils::HostOsInfo::isMacHost())
    return QFileInfo(createUserSettings()->fileName()).path() +
    return QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + '/' +
           RELATIVE_LIBEXEC_PATH + "crashpad_reports";

Qt Creator

V773 [CWE-401, CERT-MEM31-C, CERT-MEM51-CPP] Visibility scope of the 'kitChooser' pointer was exited without releasing the memory. A memory leak is possible. debuggerplugin.cpp 1825

void DebuggerPlugin::attachToProcess(....)
  auto kitChooser = new KitChooser;
  Kit *kit = kitChooser->currentKit();

  dd->attachToRunningProcess(kit, processInfo, false);


V773 [CWE-401, CERT-MEM31-C, CERT-MEM51-CPP] The function was exited without releasing the 'fp' pointer. A memory leak is possible. qd_animation_maker.cpp 40

bool qdAnimationMaker::insert_frame(....)
  // IMPORTANT(pabdulin): auto_ptr usage was removed
  qdAnimationFrame* fp = new qdAnimationFrame;
  fp -> set_file(fname);
  fp -> set_length(default_frame_length_);

  if(!fp -> load_resources())
    return false;                // <=
  delete fp;
  return true;


V773 [CWE-401, CERT-MEM31-C, CERT-MEM51-CPP] The function was exited without releasing the 'res' pointer. A memory leak is possible. 2PassScale.h 107

template<class FilterClass>
LineContribType* C2PassScale<FilterClass>::AllocContributions(UINT uLineLength,
                                                              UINT uWindowSize)
  static LineContribType line_ct;

  LineContribType *res = new LineContribType;    // <=

  line_ct.WindowSize = uWindowSize;
  line_ct.LineLength = uLineLength;

  if(contribution_buffer_.size() < uLineLength)

  line_ct.ContribRow = &*contribution_buffer_.begin();

  if(weights_buffer_.size() < uLineLength * uWindowSize)
    weights_buffer_.resize(uLineLength * uWindowSize);

  double* p = &*weights_buffer_.begin();

  for(UINT u = 0; u < uLineLength; u++){
    line_ct.ContribRow[u].Weights = p;
    p += uWindowSize;
  return &line_ct;


V773 [CWE-401, CERT-MEM31-C, CERT-MEM51-CPP] The 'obj_name' pointer was not released in destructor. A memory leak is possible. ar_button.cpp 50

class arButton
  void set_obj(const char* p)
    { if(obj_name) free(obj_name);
      obj_name = strdup(p); }
  void set_obj_regvalue(const char* p)
    { if(obj_name_regvalue) free(obj_name_regvalue);
      obj_name_regvalue = strdup(p); }
  void set_cmdline(const char* p)
    { if(cmd_line) free(cmd_line); cmd_line = strdup(p); }
  void set_regkey(const char* p)
    { if(reg_key) free(reg_key); reg_key = strdup(p); }
  void set_reg_exec_path(const char* p)
    { if(reg_exec_path_value) free(reg_exec_path_value);
      reg_exec_path_value = strdup(p); }
  void set_checkstr(const char* p)
    { if(check_after_exec) free(check_after_exec);
      check_after_exec = strdup(p); }
  char* obj_name;
  char* obj_name_regvalue;
  char* cmd_line;
  char* reg_key;
  char* reg_exec_path_value;
  char* check_after_exec;


Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V773 [CWE-401, CERT-MEM31-C, CERT-MEM51-CPP] The 'obj_name_regvalue' pointer was not released in destructor. A memory leak is possible. ar_button.cpp 50
  • V773 [CWE-401, CERT-MEM31-C, CERT-MEM51-CPP] The 'cmd_line' pointer was not released in destructor. A memory leak is possible. ar_button.cpp 50
  • V773 [CWE-401, CERT-MEM31-C, CERT-MEM51-CPP] The 'reg_exec_path_value' pointer was not released in destructor. A memory leak is possible. ar_button.cpp 50
  • And 1 additional diagnostic messages.


V773 [CWE-401, CERT-MEM31-C, CERT-MEM51-CPP] The function was exited without closing the file referenced by the 'fp' handle. A resource leak is possible. cnxk_gpio_selftest.c 46

static int
cnxk_gpio_read_attr(char *attr, char *val)
  FILE *fp;
  int ret;

  fp = fopen(attr, "r");
  if (!fp)
    return -errno;

  ret = fscanf(fp, "%s", val);
  if (ret < 0)
    return -errno;          // <=


V773 [CWE-401, CERT-MEM31-C, CERT-MEM51-CPP] The function was exited without releasing the 'openFile' pointer. A memory leak is possible. ZipFileReader.cpp 284

VFSOpenFile *ZipFileReader::OpenFileForRead(VFSFileReference *vfsReference,
                                            size_t *size)
  ZipFileReaderFileReference *reference =
   (ZipFileReaderFileReference *)vfsReference;
  ZipFileReaderOpenFile *openFile = new ZipFileReaderOpenFile();
  if (zip_stat_index(zip_file_, reference->zi, 0, &zstat) != 0)
    delete openFile;
    return nullptr;

  openFile->zf = zip_fopen_index(zip_file_, reference->zi, 0);
  if (!openFile->zf)
    WARN_LOG(G3D, "File with index %d not found in zip", reference->zi);
    return nullptr;                                                       // <=

  *size = zstat.size;
  // Intentionally leaving the mutex locked, will be closed in CloseFile.
  return openFile;


V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'MMIWP' pointer. A memory leak is possible. LiveIntervalTest.cpp 74

std::unique_ptr<Module> parseMIR(....) {
  MachineModuleInfoWrapperPass *MMIWP = new MachineModuleInfoWrapperPass(&TM);
  if (MIR->parseMachineFunctions(*M, MMIWP->getMMI()))
    return nullptr;

  return M;


V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'FwdVal' pointer. A memory leak is possible. LLParser.cpp 3625

Value *LLParser::PerFunctionState::getVal(const std::string &Name, Type *Ty,
                                          LocTy Loc) {
  Value *FwdVal;
  if (Ty->isLabelTy()) {
    FwdVal = BasicBlock::Create(F.getContext(), Name, &F);
  } else {
    FwdVal = new Argument(Ty, Name);
  if (FwdVal->getName() != Name) {
    P.error(Loc, "name is too long which can result in name collisions, "
                 "consider making the name shorter or "
                 "increasing -non-global-value-max-name-size");
    return nullptr;

  ForwardRefVals[Name] = std::make_pair(FwdVal, Loc);
  return FwdVal;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'symbol_vendor' pointer. A memory leak is possible. SymbolVendorWasm.cpp 112
  • V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'symbol_vendor' pointer. A memory leak is possible. SymbolVendorELF.cpp 114
  • V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'dynamic_checkers' pointer. A memory leak is possible. ClangExpressionParser.cpp 1432
  • And 1 additional diagnostic messages.


V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'driver' pointer. A memory leak is possible. sdl_audio_system.cc 37

X_STATUS SDLAudioSystem::CreateDriver(
  size_t index,
  xe::threading::Semaphore* semaphore,
  AudioDriver** out_driver
  auto driver = new SDLAudioDriver(memory_, semaphore);

  if (!driver->Initialize())

  *out_driver = driver;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'driver' pointer. A memory leak is possible. xaudio2_audio_system.cc 38
  • V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'module' pointer. A memory leak is possible. user_module.cc 376
  • V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'sem' pointer. A memory leak is possible. xsemaphore.cc 80


V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'self' pointer. A memory leak is possible. taos_map.c 82

taos_map_t *taos_map_new() {
  int r = 0;

  taos_map_t *self = (taos_map_t *)taos_malloc(sizeof(taos_map_t));
  self->size = 0;
  self->max_size = TAOS_MAP_INITIAL_SIZE;

  self->keys = taos_linked_list_new();
  if (self->keys == NULL) return NULL;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'new_addrs' pointer. A memory leak is possible. taos_map.c 289
  • V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'k' pointer. A memory leak is possible. taos_metric.c 52
  • V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'new_nexts' pointer. A memory leak is possible. regex_internal.c 1421
  • And 4 additional diagnostic messages.


V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'new_start' pointer. A memory leak is possible. regexec.c 534

static unsigned
re_copy_regs (regs, pmatch, nregs, regs_allocated)
  regoff_t *new_start = re_realloc (regs->start, regoff_t, need_regs);
  regoff_t *new_end = re_realloc (regs->end, regoff_t, need_regs);
  if (BE (new_start == NULL, 0) || BE (new_end == NULL, 0))

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V773 The function was exited without releasing the 'new_end' pointer. A memory leak is possible. regexec.c 534

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