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Examples of errors detected by the V719…

Examples of errors detected by the V719 diagnostic

V719. The switch statement does not cover all values of the enum.


V719 The switch statement does not cover all values of the 'InputFormat' enum: InputFormatEntity. appleseed inputarray.cpp 92

enum InputFormat

size_t add_size(size_t size) const
    switch (m_format)
      case InputFormatScalar:
      case InputFormatSpectralReflectance:
      case InputFormatSpectralIlluminance:
      case InputFormatSpectralReflectanceWithAlpha:
      case InputFormatSpectralIlluminanceWithAlpha:

    return size;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V719 The switch statement does not cover all values of the 'InputFormat' enum: InputFormatEntity. appleseed inputarray.cpp 121
  • V719 The switch statement does not cover all values of the 'InputFormat' enum: InputFormatEntity. appleseed inputarray.cpp 182


V719 The switch statement does not cover all values of the 'PatternItemType' enum: piDirectMatch. evl_string.h 324

template <typename CharType>
  PatternItem *item = patternItems.begin();
  switch (item->type)
  case piSkipFixed:
  case piSkipMore:
    patternItems.grow(patternItems.getCount() + 1);
    item = patternItems.end() - 1;
    // Note: fall into
    case piNone:
      item->type = piEscapedString;
      item->str.data = const_cast<CharType*>
                        (pattern_str + pattern_pos - 2);
      item->str.length = 1;
    case piSearch:
      item->type = piEscapedString;
      // Note: fall into
    case piEscapedString:

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V719 The switch statement does not cover all values of the 'PatternItemType' enum: piDirectMatch, piSkipMore. evl_string.h 351
  • V719 The switch statement does not cover all values of the 'PatternItemType' enum: piDirectMatch. evl_string.h 368
  • V719 The switch statement does not cover all values of the 'PatternItemType' enum: piDirectMatch. evl_string.h 387

Windows Calculator

V719 The switch statement does not cover all values of the 'DateUnit' enum: Day. CalcViewModel DateCalculator.cpp 279

public enum class _Enum_is_bitflag_ DateUnit
  Year = 0x01,
  Month = 0x02,
  Week = 0x04,
  Day = 0x08

Windows::Globalization::Calendar^ m_calendar;

DateCalculationEngine::AdjustCalendarDate(Windows::Foundation::DateTime date,
                                          DateUnit dateUnit, int difference)

  switch (dateUnit)
    case DateUnit::Year:
    case DateUnit::Month:
    case DateUnit::Week:

  return m_calendar->GetDateTime();

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V719 The switch statement does not cover all values of the 'eANGLE_TYPE' enum: ANGLE_RAD. CalcManager trans.cpp 109
  • V719 The switch statement does not cover all values of the 'eANGLE_TYPE' enum: ANGLE_RAD. CalcManager trans.cpp 204
  • V719 The switch statement does not cover all values of the 'eANGLE_TYPE' enum: ANGLE_RAD. CalcManager trans.cpp 276

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