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Examples of errors detected by the V711…

Examples of errors detected by the V711 diagnostic

V711. It is dangerous to create a local variable within a loop with a same name as a variable controlling this loop.

Haiku Operation System

V711 It is dangerous to create a local variable within a loop with a same name as a variable controlling this loop. ipv4.cpp 514

static int
dump_ipv4_multicast(int argc, char** argv)
  MulticastState::Iterator it = sMulticastState->GetIterator();

  while (it.HasNext()) {
    int count = 0;
    IPv4GroupInterface::AddressSet::Iterator it
      = state->Sources().GetIterator();
    while (it.HasNext()) {

    kprintf("}> sock %p\n", state->Parent()->Socket());

  return 0;


V711 It is dangerous to create a local variable within a loop with a same name as a variable controlling this loop. Telegram dialogswidget.cpp 949

void DialogsListWidget::addDialog(const MTPDdialog &dialog)
  History *history = App::history(App::peerFromMTP(
  SavedPeersByTime &saved(cRefSavedPeersByTime());
  while (!saved.isEmpty() &&
           history->lastMsg->date < saved.lastKey())
    History *history = App::history(saved.last()->id);

Wine Is Not an Emulator

V711 It is dangerous to create a local variable within a loop with a same name as a variable controlling this loop. dplobby.c 765

  FILETIME filetime;
  /* Traverse all the service providers we have available */
  for( dwIndex=0; RegEnumKeyExA( hkResult, dwIndex, subKeyName,
       NULL, NULL, NULL, &filetime ) != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS;
       ++dwIndex, sizeOfSubKeyName=50 )
    FILETIME filetime;
    /* Traverse all the address type we have available */
      for( dwAtIndex=0; RegEnumKeyExA( hkServiceProviderAt,
           dwAtIndex, atSubKey, &sizeOfSubKeyName,
           NULL, NULL, NULL, &filetime ) != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS;
        ++dwAtIndex, sizeOfSubKeyName=50 )

FreeBSD Kernel

V711 It is dangerous to create a local variable within a loop with a same name as a variable controlling this loop. powernow.c 733

static int
pn_decode_pst(device_t dev)
  struct pst_header *pst;                                   // <=
  p = ((uint8_t *) psb) + sizeof(struct psb_header);
  pst = (struct pst_header*) p;

  maxpst = 200;

  do {
    struct pst_header *pst = (struct pst_header*) p;        // <=


    p += sizeof(struct pst_header) + (2 * pst->numpstates);
  } while (cpuid_is_k7(pst->cpuid) && maxpst--);            // <=

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