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Examples of errors detected by the V606…

Examples of errors detected by the V6066 diagnostic

V6066. Passing objects of incompatible types to the method of collection.

Apache Flink

V6066 The type of object passed as argument is incompatible with the type of collection: String, ListStateDescriptor<NextTransactionalIdHint>. FlinkKafkaProducer.java(1083)

public interface OperatorStateStore
  Set<String> getRegisteredStateNames();
public class FlinkKafkaProducer<IN> extends ....
  private static final

  public void initializeState(FunctionInitializationContext context)....
    if (context.getOperatorStateStore()
               .contains(NEXT_TRANSACTIONAL_ID_HINT_DESCRIPTOR))    // <=


V6066 The type of object passed as argument is incompatible with the type of collection: String, Allele. VcfGa4ghReader.java(535)

private static OrganismType determineHeterozygousGenotypeGA4GH(
    VariantGA4GH ga4GHEntity, List<Allele> alleles, int[] genotypeArray) {

    OrganismType organismType = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < genotypeArray.length; i++) {
        if (alleles.get(i).isReference()) {
            genotypeArray[i] = 0;
            organismType = OrganismType.HETEROZYGOUS;
        } else {
            if (organismType == null) {
                organismType = OrganismType.HETERO_VAR;
            genotypeArray[i] = ga4GHEntity.getAlternateBases()
                                          .indexOf(alleles.get(i)) + 1; // <=

    return organismType;

Apache Kafka

V6066 The type of object passed as argument is incompatible with the type of collection: String, Uuid. MockAdminClient.java 569

private final Map<String, Uuid> topicIds = new HashMap();

private Map<String, KafkaFutureVoid> handleDeleteTopicsUsingNames(....) {
  Collection<String> topicNames = new ArrayList<>(topicNameCollection);

  for (final String topicName : topicNames) {
    KafkaFutureImpl<Void> future = new KafkaFutureImpl<>();

    if (allTopics.remove(topicName) == null) {
    } else {
      topicNames.remove(topicIds.remove(topicName));      // <=

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