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Examples of errors detected by the V605…

Examples of errors detected by the V605 diagnostic

V605. Unsigned value is compared to the NN number. Consider inspecting the expression.


V605 Consider verifying the expression: icErr <= - 400L. An unsigned value is compared to the number -400. system error_win32.cpp 54

#define ICERR_CUSTOM -400L

static const char *GetVCMErrorString(uint32 icErr) {
  if (icErr <= ICERR_CUSTOM)
    err = "A codec-specific error occurred.";

PHP:Hypertext Preprocessor

V605 Consider verifying the expression: shell_wrote > - 1. An unsigned value is compared to the number -1. php_cli.c 266

PHP_CLI_API size_t sapi_cli_single_write(....)
  size_t shell_wrote;
  shell_wrote = cli_shell_callbacks.cli_shell_write(....);
  if (shell_wrote > -1) {  // <=
    return shell_wrote;


V605 Consider verifying the expression: context->curlfd > - 1. An unsigned value is compared to the number -1. mod_shout.c 151

typedef SOCKET curl_socket_t;
curl_socket_t curlfd;

static inline void free_context(shout_context_t *context)
  if (context->curlfd > -1) {
    shutdown(context->curlfd, 2);
    context->curlfd = -1;

The GTK+ Project

V605 Consider verifying the expression. An unsigned value is compared to the number -3. gtktextview.c 9162

struct GtkTargetPair {
  GdkAtom   target;
  guint     flags;
  guint     info;

typedef enum
} GtkTextBufferTargetInfo;

static void
gtk_text_view_target_list_notify (....)
  if (pair->info >= GTK_TEXT_BUFFER_TARGET_INFO_TEXT &&

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V605 Consider verifying the expression. An unsigned value is compared to the number -1. gtktextview.c 9163

PHP:Hypertext Preprocessor

V605 Consider verifying the expression: ub_wrote > - 1. An unsigned value is compared to the number -1. php_cli.c 307

static size_t
sapi_cli_ub_write(const char *str, size_t str_length)
  size_t ub_wrote;
  ub_wrote = cli_shell_callbacks
                    .cli_shell_ub_write(str, str_length);
  if (ub_wrote > -1) {
    return ub_wrote;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V605 Consider verifying the expression: shell_wrote > - 1. An unsigned value is compared to the number -1. php_cli.c 272


V605 Consider verifying the expression. An unsigned value is compared to the number -3. link.c 267

typedef enum {
  HLINKSETF_TARGET   = 0x00000001,

typedef unsigned long       DWORD;

static HRESULT WINAPI IHlink_fnSetStringReference(
  IHlink* iface,
  LPCWSTR pwzTarget,
  LPCWSTR pwzLocation)
  HlinkImpl  *This = impl_from_IHlink(iface);
       return grfHLSETF;

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