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Examples of errors detected by the V600…

Examples of errors detected by the V6001 diagnostic

V6001. There are identical sub-expressions to the left and to the right of the 'foo' operator.

IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition

V6001 [CWE-571] There are identical sub-expressions '!StringUtil.endsWithChar(name,'"')' to the left and to the right of the '&&' operator. JsonNamesValidator.java 27

public synchronized boolean isIdentifier(@NotNull String name,
                                         final Project project) {
  if (!StringUtil.startsWithChar(name,'\'') &&
      !StringUtil.startsWithChar(name,'\"')) {
    name = "\"" + name;
  if (!StringUtil.endsWithChar(name,'"') &&
      !StringUtil.endsWithChar(name,'\"')) {
    name += "\"";

IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition

V6001 [CWE-570] There are identical sub-expressions 'LoadingOrder.BEFORE_STR_OLD.equalsIgnoreCase(str)' to the left and to the right of the '||' operator. Check lines: 127, 128. ExtensionOrderConverter.java 127

@NonNls public static final String BEFORE_STR_OLD = "before:";
@NonNls public static final String AFTER_STR_OLD = "after:";

private static boolean isBeforeOrAfterKeyword(String str, boolean trimKeyword) {
  return (trimKeyword ? LoadingOrder.BEFORE_STR.trim() :
           LoadingOrder.BEFORE_STR).equalsIgnoreCase(str) ||
         (trimKeyword ? LoadingOrder.AFTER_STR.trim() :
           LoadingOrder.AFTER_STR).equalsIgnoreCase(str) ||
         LoadingOrder.BEFORE_STR_OLD.equalsIgnoreCase(str) ||         // <=
         LoadingOrder.BEFORE_STR_OLD.equalsIgnoreCase(str);           // <=


V6001 There are identical sub-expressions 'tookInMillis' to the left and to the right of the '==' operator. TermVectorsResponse.java(152)

public boolean equals(Object obj) {
  return index.equals(other.index)
      && type.equals(other.type)
      && Objects.equals(id, other.id)
      && docVersion == other.docVersion
      && found == other.found
      && tookInMillis == tookInMillis                        // <=
      && Objects.equals(termVectorList, other.termVectorList);

Apache Hadoop

V6001 There are identical sub-expressions 'this.bucketSize' to the left and to the right of the '%' operator. RollingWindow.java(79)

  RollingWindow(int windowLenMs, int numBuckets) {
    buckets = new Bucket[numBuckets];
    for (int i = 0; i < numBuckets; i++) {
      buckets[i] = new Bucket();
    this.windowLenMs = windowLenMs;
    this.bucketSize = windowLenMs / numBuckets;
    if (this.bucketSize % bucketSize != 0) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "The bucket size in the rolling window is not integer: windowLenMs= "
              + windowLenMs + " numBuckets= " + numBuckets);


V6001 There are identical sub-expressions 'newDataType.getLength()' to the left and to the right of the '>' operator. DataTypeSelectionEditor.java(366)

private boolean parseDataTypeTextEntry()
throws InvalidDataTypeException {
  try {
    newDataType = parser.parse(selectionField.getText(),
  catch (CancelledException e) {
    return false;
  if (newDataType != null) {
    if (maxSize >= 0
        && newDataType.getLength() > newDataType.getLength()) { // <=
      throw new InvalidDataTypeException("data-type larger than "
                                         + maxSize + " bytes");
    return true;
  return false;

Bouncy Castle

V6001 There are identical sub-expressions 'tag == PacketTags.SECRET_KEY' to the left and to the right of the '||' operator. PGPUtil.java(212), PGPUtil.java(212)

public static boolean isKeyRing(byte[] blob) throws IOException {

    BCPGInputStream bIn = new BCPGInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(blob));
    int tag = bIn.nextPacketTag();

    return tag == PacketTags.PUBLIC_KEY || tag == PacketTags.PUBLIC_SUBKEY
        || tag == PacketTags.SECRET_KEY || tag == PacketTags.SECRET_KEY;

Apache Flink

V6001 There are identical sub-expressions 'processedData' to the left and to the right of the '==' operator. CheckpointStatistics.java(229)

public boolean equals(Object o)
  CheckpointStatistics that = (CheckpointStatistics) o;
  return id == that.id &&
    savepoint == that.savepoint &&
    triggerTimestamp == that.triggerTimestamp &&
    latestAckTimestamp == that.latestAckTimestamp &&
    stateSize == that.stateSize &&
    duration == that.duration &&
    alignmentBuffered == that.alignmentBuffered &&
    processedData == processedData &&                // <=
    persistedData == that.persistedData &&
    numSubtasks == that.numSubtasks &&
    numAckSubtasks == that.numAckSubtasks &&
    status == that.status &&
    Objects.equals(checkpointType, that.checkpointType) &&


V6001 There are identical sub-expressions 'bounds[j + 1]' to the left and to the right of the '!=' operator. CLIQUEUnit.java(252)

private boolean checkDimensions(CLIQUEUnit other, int e) {
    for(int i = 0, j = 0; i < e; i++, j += 2) {
        if (dims[i] != other.dims[i]
            || bounds[j] != other.bounds[j]
            || bounds[j + 1] != bounds[j + 1]) {
          return false;
    return true;


V6001 There are identical sub-expressions 't2Docked' to the left and to the right of the '&&' operator. SwingGui.java(2718), SwingGui.java(2718)

class ContextWindow extends JPanel implements ActionListener {
  public ContextWindow(final SwingGui debugGui) {
    ComponentListener clistener =
      new ComponentListener() {
          boolean t2Docked = true;

          void check(Component comp) {
              if (leftDocked && t2Docked && rightDocked && t2Docked) { // <=
                  // no change

              t2Docked = rightDocked;

              // Further t2Docked is not used

IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition

V6001 There are identical sub-expressions 'e1.isPopupTrigger()' to the left and to the right of the '==' operator. JBCefOsrComponent.java(459)

private boolean areHomogenous(MouseWheelEvent e1,
                              MouseWheelEvent e2) {
    if (e1 == null || e2 == null) return false;

    double distance = ....;
    return e1.getComponent() == e2.getComponent() &&
           e1.getID() == e2.getID() &&
           e1.getModifiersEx() == e2.getModifiersEx() &&
           e1.isPopupTrigger() == e1.isPopupTrigger() && // <=
           e1.getScrollType() == e2.getScrollType() &&
           distance < TOLERANCE;

IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition

V6001 There are identical sub-expressions 'StringUtil.isOctalDigit(myBuffer.charAt(i + 1))' to the left and to the right of the '&&' operator. JavaStringLiteralLexer.java(64), JavaStringLiteralLexer.java(64)

protected int locateUnicodeEscapeSequence(int start, int i) {
    if (StringUtil.isOctalDigit(c)) {
        if (i + 2 < myBufferEnd &&
            StringUtil.isOctalDigit(myBuffer.charAt(i + 1)) &&
            StringUtil.isOctalDigit(myBuffer.charAt(i + 1))) {
            return i + 3;

NetBeans 21

V6001 There are identical sub-expressions 'entry1.getDateTime().getTime()' to the left and to the right of the '>' operator. HistoryDiffView.java(130)

private void refresh(Node[] newSelection) {
  if(entry1 != null && entry2 != null && file1 != null && file2 != null) {
    if(entry1.getDateTime().getTime() > entry1.getDateTime().getTime()) {
      refreshRevisionDiffPanel(entry1, entry2, file1, file2);
    } else {
      refreshRevisionDiffPanel(entry2, entry1, file2, file1);

NetBeans 21

V6001 There are identical sub-expressions 'revision1.equals(SVNRevision.HEAD)' to the left and to the right of the '&&' operator. RevertModifications.java(387), RevertModifications.java(387)

private RevisionInterval getResortedRevisionInterval(SVNRevision revision1,
                                                     SVNRevision revision2) {
  RevisionInterval ret;
  if(revision1.equals(SVNRevision.HEAD) &&
     revision1.equals(SVNRevision.HEAD)) {
  return ret;

NetBeans 21

V6001 There are identical sub-expressions 'myMaxIndex' to the left and to the right of the '>=' operator. FilteredListModel.java(319)

public Object getElementAt(int index) {
  int myMinIndex = getExternal (minIndex) + 1;
  // one after the index of the first non-1 index
  int myMaxIndex = getExternal (maxIndex);

  assert myMaxIndex >= myMaxIndex : "Must be greater"; // NOI18N

NetBeans 21

V6001 There are identical sub-expressions 'iDesc.index' to the left and to the right of the '==' operator. LayoutFeeder.java(3660)

private void mergeParallelInclusions(List<IncludeDesc> inclusions,
                                     IncludeDesc original,
                                     boolean preserveOriginal) {
  IncludeDesc best = null;
  // 2nd remove incompatible inclusions, move compatible ones to same level
  for (Iterator it=inclusions.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
    IncludeDesc iDesc = (IncludeDesc) it.next();
    if (iDesc != best) {
      if (!compatibleInclusions(iDesc, best, dimension)) {
      } else if (iDesc.parent == best.parent &&
                 iDesc.neighbor == best.neighbor &&
                (iDesc.neighbor != null || iDesc.index == iDesc.index)) {  // <=
        it.remove(); // same inclusion twice (detect for better robustness)

NetBeans 21

V6001 There are identical sub-expressions 'i' to the left and to the right of the '^' operator. LayoutFeeder.java(3897)

private void mergeParallelInclusions(List<IncludeDesc> inclusions,
                                     IncludeDesc original,
                                     boolean preserveOriginal) {
  if (unifyGaps != null) {
    // unify resizability of the border gaps collected for individual inclusions
    for (LayoutInterval[] gaps : unifyGaps) {
      int preferredFixedSide =
                         fixedSideGaps[LEADING] >= fixedSideGaps[TRAILING] ?
                                                   LEADING : TRAILING;
      for (int i=LEADING; i <= TRAILING; i++) {
        if (LayoutInterval.canResize(gaps[i]) && !anyResizingNeighbor[i]
            && (anyResizingNeighbor[i^1] || preferredFixedSide == i)) {
          operations.setIntervalResizing(gaps[i], false);
          if (!LayoutInterval.canResize(gaps[i^1])) {
            operations.setIntervalResizing(gaps[i^i], true);       // <=

Apache Kafka

V6001 There are identical sub-expressions 'keyFrom == null' to the left and to the right of the '&&' operator. ReadOnlyWindowStoreStub.java 327, ReadOnlyWindowStoreStub.java 327

public KeyValueIterator<Windowed<K>, V> backwardFetch(
  K keyFrom,
  K keyTo,
  Instant timeFrom,
  Instant timeTo) {
  if (keyFrom == null && keyFrom == null) {   // <=
    kvSubMap = kvMap;
  } else if (keyFrom == null) {
    kvSubMap = kvMap.headMap(keyTo, true);
  } else if (keyTo == null) {
    kvSubMap = kvMap.tailMap(keyFrom, true);
  } else {
    // keyFrom != null and KeyTo != null
    kvSubMap = kvMap.subMap(keyFrom, true, keyTo, true);

Apache Kafka

V6001 There are identical sub-expressions 'keyFrom == null' to the left and to the right of the '&&' operator. ReadOnlyWindowStoreStub.java 271, ReadOnlyWindowStoreStub.java 271

public KeyValueIterator<Windowed<K>, V> fetch(
  K keyFrom,
  K keyTo,
  Instant timeFrom,
  Instant timeTo) {
  NavigableMap<K, V> kvMap = data.get(now);
  if (kvMap != null) {
    NavigableMap<K, V> kvSubMap;
    if (keyFrom == null && keyFrom == null) {      // <=
      kvSubMap = kvMap;
    } else if (keyFrom == null) {
      kvSubMap = kvMap.headMap(keyTo, true);
    } else if (keyTo == null) {
      kvSubMap = kvMap.tailMap(keyFrom, true);
    } else {
      // keyFrom != null and KeyTo != null
      kvSubMap = kvMap.subMap(keyFrom, true, keyTo, true);


V6001 There are identical sub-expressions 'npc.posX == 0' to the left and to the right of the '&&' operator. LinkedNpcController.java 123

public void loadNpcData(EntityNPCInterface npc) {
    if (npc.linkedName.isEmpty())
    LinkedData data = getData(npc.linkedName);
    if (data == null) {
        npc.linkedLast = 0;
        npc.linkedName = "";
        npc.linkedData = null;
    } else {
        npc.linkedData = data;
        if(npc.posX == 0 && npc.posY == 0 && npc.posX == 0)     // <=
        npc.linkedLast = data.time;
        List<int[]> points = npc.ai.getMovingPath();

        NBTTagCompound compound = NBTTags.NBTMerge(readNpcData(npc), data.data);



V6001 There are identical sub-expressions 'startIndex' to the left and to the right of the '==' operator. ScriptDBCPlayer.java 289

public String bonusAttribute(....) {
  int startIndex = -1;
  boolean number = false;

  try {
    startIndex = Integer.parseInt(bonusID);
    number = true;
  } catch (Exception var34) {
    number = false;

  for (startIndex = 0; startIndex < bonuses.length; ++startIndex) {
    if (number && startIndex == startIndex ||                      // <=
        !number && bonusValues[startIndex][0].equals(bonusID)
    ) {
        noNBTText = bonusValues[startIndex][0] + ";" + bonusValueString;
        bonuses[startIndex] = "";
        bonuses[startIndex] = noNBTText;

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