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Examples of errors detected by the V596…

Examples of errors detected by the V596 diagnostic

V596. Object was created but is not used. Check for missing 'throw' keyword.

Multi Theft Auto

V596 The object was created but it is not being used. The 'throw' keyword could be missing: throw InvalidRequestException(FOO); fallistheader.cpp 74

class CEGUIEXPORT InvalidRequestException : public Exception

FalagardListHeader::createNewSegment(const String& name) const
  // make sure this has been set
  if (d_segmentWidgetType.empty())
      "FalagardListHeader::createNewSegment - "
      "Segment widget type has not been set!");

  return ....;

Most likely this is what should be written here: throw InvalidRequestException(....);

Multi Theft Auto

V596 The object was created but it is not being used. The 'throw' keyword could be missing: throw length_error(FOO); ceguistring.cpp 59

bool String::grow(size_type new_size)
  // check for too big
  if (max_size() <= new_size)
      "Resulting CEGUI::String would be too big");

Most likely this is what should be written here: throw std::length_error("Resulting CEGUI::String would be too big");


V596 The object was created but it is not being used. The 'throw' keyword could be missing: throw ConversionError(FOO); xmlhandler.h 247

inline UInt asUInt_(const String & in)
  UInt res = 0;
    Int tmp = in.toInt();
    if (tmp < 0)
      Exception::ConversionError(__FILE__, __LINE__,
                                 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "");
    res = UInt(tmp);
  catch (Exception::ConversionError)
          String("UInt conversion error of \"") + in + "\"");
  return res;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V596 The object was created but it is not being used. The 'throw' keyword could be missing: throw InvalidSize(FOO); inclusionexclusionlist.c 281
  • V596 The object was created but it is not being used. The 'throw' keyword could be missing: throw MissingInformation(FOO); inclusionexclusionlist.c 285
  • V596 The object was created but it is not being used. The 'throw' keyword could be missing: throw FileNotFound(FOO); precursorionselectionpreprocessing.c 257
  • And 8 additional diagnostic messages.

Geant4 software

V596 The object was created but it is not being used. The 'throw' keyword could be missing: throw G4HadronicException(FOO); G4had_mod_util g4generalphasespacedecay.hh 116

inline G4double G4GeneralPhaseSpaceDecay::Pmx(
   G4double e, G4double p1, G4double p2)
  // calculate momentum of daughter particles in two-body decay
  if (e-p1-p2 < 0 )
    G4HadronicException(__FILE__, __LINE__,
      "G4GeneralPhaseSpaceDecay::Pmx energy in "
      "cms > mass1+mass2");

Most likely this is what should be written here: throw G4HadronicException(__FILE__, __LINE__, ....);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V596 The object was created but it is not being used. The 'throw' keyword could be missing: throw G4HadronicException(FOO); _G4processes-archive g4neutronhpthermalscattering.cc 436
  • V596 The object was created but it is not being used. The 'throw' keyword could be missing: throw G4HadronicException(FOO); _G4processes-archive g4neutronhpthermalscattering.cc 495
  • V596 The object was created but it is not being used. The 'throw' keyword could be missing: throw G4HadronicException(FOO); _G4processes-archive g4neutronhpthermalscattering.cc 506
  • And 1 additional diagnostic messages.


V596 The object was created but it is not being used. The 'throw' keyword could be missing: throw sg_exception(FOO); root.cxx 239

class sg_throwable : public std::exception { .... };
class sg_exception : public sg_throwable { .... };

void Root::scheduleToUpdate(Install* aInstall)
  if (!aInstall) {
    sg_exception("missing argument to scheduleToUpdate");


V596 The object was created but it is not being used. The 'throw' keyword could be missing: throw logic_error(FOO); components exprparser.cpp 101

void ExprParser::replaceBinaryOperands()
  if (t1==t2)
    mOperands.push_back (t1);
  else if (t1=='f' || t2=='f')
    mOperands.push_back ('f');
    std::logic_error ("failed to determine result operand type");


V596 The object was created but it is not being used. The 'throw' keyword could be missing: throw Exception(FOO); waypointpyimp.cpp 231

void WaypointPy::setTool(Py::Int arg)
  if((int)arg.operator long() > 0)
    getWaypointPtr()->Tool = (int)arg.operator long();
    Base::Exception("negativ tool not allowed!");

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V596 The object was created but it is not being used. The 'throw' keyword could be missing: throw Exception(FOO); application.cpp 274
  • V596 The object was created but it is not being used. The 'throw' keyword could be missing: throw Exception(FOO); fileinfo.cpp 519
  • V596 The object was created but it is not being used. The 'throw' keyword could be missing: throw Exception(FOO); waypointpyimp.cpp 244
  • And 1 additional diagnostic messages.

Computational Network Toolkit

V596 The object was created but it is not being used. The 'throw' keyword could be missing: throw runtime_error(FOO); simplenetworkbuilder.cpp 1578

template <class ElemType>
ComputationNetworkPtr SimpleNetworkBuilder<ElemType>::
  BuildNetworkFromDbnFile(const std::wstring& dbnModelFileName)
  if (this->m_outputLayerSize >= 0)
    outputLayerSize = this->m_outputLayerSize;
  else if (m_layerSizes.size() > 0)
    m_layerSizes[m_layerSizes.size() - 1];
    std::runtime_error("Output layer size must be...");     // <=


V596 The object was created but it is not being used. The 'throw' keyword could be missing: throw domain_error(FOO); pluginhost.cpp 1486

void Loader::doLoad(const QString &file)
  int ret = pi->ini_(host);
  if (ret) {
    delete host;
    std::domain_error("failed initialized: error on ....");


V596 The object was created but it is not being used. The 'throw' keyword could be missing: throw runtime_error(FOO); mysqlxtest.cc 509

mysqlx::XProtocol* active()
  if (!active_connection)
    std::runtime_error("no active session");
  return active_connection.get();

Amazon Lumberyard

V596 CWE-390 The object was created but it is not being used. The 'throw' keyword could be missing: throw runtime_error(FOO); prefabobject.cpp 1491

static std::vector<std::string> PyGetPrefabLibrarys()
  CPrefabManager* pPrefabManager = GetIEditor()->GetPrefabMa....;
  if (!pPrefabManager)
      std::runtime_error("Invalid Prefab Manager.");
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid Prefab Manager.");

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V596 CWE-390 The object was created but it is not being used. The 'throw' keyword could be missing: throw runtime_error(FOO); prefabobject.cpp 1515
  • V596 CWE-390 The object was created but it is not being used. The 'throw' keyword could be missing: throw runtime_error(FOO); prefabobject.cpp 1521
  • V596 CWE-390 The object was created but it is not being used. The 'throw' keyword could be missing: throw runtime_error(FOO); prefabobject.cpp 1543
  • And 4 additional diagnostic messages.

Haiku Operation System

V596 The object was created but it is not being used. The 'throw' keyword could be missing: throw ParseException(FOO); Response.cpp 659

Response::ExtractNumber(BDataIO& stream)
  BString string = ExtractString(stream);

  const char* end;
  size_t number = strtoul(string.String(), (char**)&end, 10);
  if (end == NULL || end[0] != '\0')
    ParseException("Invalid number!");

  return number;


V596 The object was created but it is not being used. The 'throw' keyword could be missing: throw runtime_error(FOO); RTensor.hxx 363

template <typename Value_t, typename Container_t>
inline RTensor<Value_t, Container_t> RTensor<Value_t, Container_t>::Transpose()
  if (fLayout == MemoryLayout::RowMajor) {
    fLayout = MemoryLayout::ColumnMajor;
  } else if (fLayout == MemoryLayout::ColumnMajor) {
    fLayout = MemoryLayout::RowMajor;
  } else {
    std::runtime_error("Memory layout is not known.");

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V596 The object was created but it is not being used. The 'throw' keyword could be missing: throw runtime_error(FOO); Forest.hxx 137


V596 The object was created but it is not being used. The 'throw' keyword could be missing: throw runtime_error(FOO); bruteforce.h 26

template<typename dist_t>
class BruteforceSearch : public AlgorithmInterface<dist_t> {
  BruteforceSearch(SpaceInterface <dist_t> *s, size_t maxElements) {
    maxelements_ = maxElements;
    data_size_ = s->get_data_size();
    fstdistfunc_ = s->get_dist_func();
    dist_func_param_ = s->get_dist_func_param();
    size_per_element_ = data_size_ + sizeof(labeltype);
    data_ = (char *) malloc(maxElements * size_per_element_);
    if (data_ == nullptr)
        "Not enough memory: BruteforceSearch failed to allocate data");
    cur_element_count = 0;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V596 The object was created but it is not being used. The 'throw' keyword could be missing: throw runtime_error(FOO); bruteforce.h 161


V596 The object was created but it is not being used. The 'throw' keyword could be missing: throw nn_error(FOO); device.h 68

class nn_error : public std::exception {
  explicit nn_error(const std::string &msg) : msg_(msg) {}
  const char *what() const throw() override { return msg_.c_str(); }

  std::string msg_;

inline Device::Device(....)
  : type_(type),
    device_id_(device_id) {
  nn_error("TinyDNN has not been compiled with OpenCL or CUDA support.");


V596 The object was created but it is not being used. The 'throw' keyword could be missing: throw nn_error(FOO); conv2d_op_opencl.h 136

class nn_error : public std::exception {
  explicit nn_error(const std::string &msg) : msg_(msg) {}
  const char *what() const throw() override { return msg_.c_str(); }

  std::string msg_;

class Conv2dOpenCLBackwardOp : public core::OpKernel {
  explicit Conv2dOpenCLBackwardOp(const core::OpKernelConstruction &context)
    : core::OpKernel(context) {}

  void compute(core::OpKernelContext &context) override {
    nn_error("Not implemented yet.");

Nau Engine

V596 The object was created but it is not being used. The 'throw' keyword could be missing: throw runtime_error(FOO); sweep.cc 123

void Sweep::EdgeEvent(....)
  if (o1 == COLLINEAR) {
    if( triangle->Contains(&eq, p1)) {
    } else {
      std::runtime_error("EdgeEvent - collinear points not supported");
  if (o2 == COLLINEAR) {
    if (triangle->Contains(&eq, p2)){
    } else {
      std::runtime_error("EdgeEvent - collinear points not supported");

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V596 The object was created but it is not being used. The 'throw' keyword could be missing: throw runtime_error(FOO); sweep.cc 140

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