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Examples of errors detected by the V592…

Examples of errors detected by the V592 diagnostic

V592. Expression is enclosed by parentheses twice: ((expression)). One pair of parentheses is unnecessary or typo is present.


V592 The expression was enclosed by parentheses twice: ((expression)). One pair of parentheses is unnecessary or misprint is present. wxscintilla lexau3.cxx 781

static void FoldAU3Doc(....)
  // if a keyword is found on the current line
  // and the line doesn't end with _ (continuation)
  // and we are not inside a commentblock.
  if (szKeywordlen > 0 && (!(chPrev == '_')) &&
      ((!(IsStreamCommentStyle(style)) || foldInComment)) ) {

This is what should have been written here: if (szKeywordlen > 0 && (!(chPrev == '_')) && (!(IsStreamCommentStyle(style) || foldInComment)) ) {.

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V592 The expression was enclosed by parentheses twice: ((expression)). One pair of parentheses is unnecessary or misprint is present. wxscintilla lexpowerpro.cxx 466

Spring Engine

V592 The expression was enclosed by parentheses twice: ((expression)). One pair of parentheses is unnecessary or misprint is present. engineSim weapon.cpp 597

bool CWeapon::AttackUnit(CUnit* newTargetUnit, bool isUserTarget)
  if ((!isUserTarget && weaponDef->noAutoTarget)) {
    return false;


V592 The expression was enclosed by parentheses twice: ((expression)). One pair of parentheses is unnecessary or misprint is present. strcat.cc 43

AlphaNum::AlphaNum(Hex hex) {
  uint64 value = hex.value;
  uint64 width = hex.spec;
  // We accomplish minimum width by OR'ing in 0x10000
  // to the user's value,
  // where 0x10000 is the smallest hex number
  // that is as wide as the user asked for.
  uint64 mask =
    ((static_cast<uint64>(1) << (width - 1) * 4)) | value;


V592 The expression was enclosed by parentheses twice: ((expression)). One pair of parentheses is unnecessary or misprint is present. cmCTestTestHandler.cxx 899

void cmCTestTestHandler::ComputeTestListForRerunFailed()

  ListOfTests finalList;
  int cnt = 0;
  for (cmCTestTestProperties& tp : this->TestList) {

    // if this test is not in our list of tests to run, then skip it.
    if ((!this->TestsToRun.empty() &&
         std::find(this->TestsToRun.begin(), this->TestsToRun.end(), cnt) ==
           this->TestsToRun.end())) {

    tp.Index = cnt;


V592 The expression was enclosed by parentheses twice: ((expression)). One pair of parentheses is unnecessary or misprint is present. cmMessageCommand.cxx 73

bool cmMessageCommand::InitialPass(std::vector<std::string> const& args,
  } else if (*i == "DEPRECATION") {
    if (this->Makefile->IsOn("CMAKE_ERROR_DEPRECATED")) {
      fatal = true;
      type = MessageType::DEPRECATION_ERROR;
      level = cmake::LogLevel::LOG_ERROR;
    } else if ((!this->Makefile->IsSet("CMAKE_WARN_DEPRECATED") ||
                this->Makefile->IsOn("CMAKE_WARN_DEPRECATED"))) {
      type = MessageType::DEPRECATION_WARNING;
      level = cmake::LogLevel::LOG_WARNING;
    } else {
      return true;

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