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Examples of errors detected by the V524…

Examples of errors detected by the V524 diagnostic

V524. It is suspicious that the body of 'Foo_1' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'Foo_2' function.


V524 It is odd that the 'GetDbgHelpVersion' function is fully equivalent to the 'GetImageHlpVersion' function (SymbolEngine.h, line 98). symbolengine.h 105

BOOL GetImageHlpVersion(DWORD &dwMS, DWORD &dwLS)
                                dwLS)) ;

BOOL GetDbgHelpVersion(DWORD &dwMS, DWORD &dwLS)
                                dwLS)) ;

Nmap Security Scanner

V524 It is odd that the body of 'stopRuntime' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'startRuntime' function (stats.cc, line 274). nping stats.cc 280

class NpingTimer {
  int start();
  int stop();

int NpingStats::startRuntime(){
  return OP_SUCCESS;

int NpingStats::stopRuntime(){
  return OP_SUCCESS;

Most likely this is what should be written in stopRuntime: this->run_timer.stop();


V524 It is odd that the body of 'clearTopDownPointers' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'clearBottomUpPointers' function (ObjCARC.cpp, line 1318). LLVMScalarOpts objcarc.cpp 1322

MapTy PerPtrTopDown;
MapTy PerPtrBottomUp;

void clearBottomUpPointers() {

void clearTopDownPointers() {

Most likely this is what should be written in clearBottomUpPointers(): PerPtrBottomUp.clear();


V524 It is odd that the body of 'uiLayoutGetScaleY' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'uiLayoutGetScaleX' function (interface_layout.c, line 2410). bf_editor_interface interface_layout.c 2415

float uiLayoutGetScaleX(uiLayout *layout)
  return layout->scale[0];

float uiLayoutGetScaleY(uiLayout *layout)
  return layout->scale[0];

Most likely this is what should be written in uiLayoutGetScaleY(): layout->scale[1];


V524 It is odd that the body of 'max_opcode_bytes' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'min_opcode_bytes' function (debugcpu.h, line 150). debugcpu.h 151

class device_disasm_interface : public device_interface
  UINT32 min_opcode_bytes() const
   { return disasm_min_opcode_bytes(); }
  UINT32 max_opcode_bytes() const
   { return disasm_max_opcode_bytes(); }

class device_debug
  device_disasm_interface *m_disasm;
  int min_opcode_bytes() const
      return (m_disasm != NULL) ?
        m_disasm->max_opcode_bytes() : 1;
  int max_opcode_bytes() const
      return (m_disasm != NULL) ?
        m_disasm->max_opcode_bytes() : 1;


V524 It is odd that the body of 'augAssignXor' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'augAssignDivide' function (matop.cpp, line 294). matop.cpp 318

void MatOp::augAssignAnd(const MatExpr& expr, Mat& m) const
    Mat temp;
    expr.op->assign(expr, temp);
    m &= temp;

void MatOp::augAssignOr(const MatExpr& expr, Mat& m) const
    Mat temp;
    expr.op->assign(expr, temp);
    m |= temp;

void MatOp::augAssignDivide(const MatExpr& expr, Mat& m) const
    Mat temp;
    expr.op->assign(expr, temp);
    m /= temp;

void MatOp::augAssignXor(const MatExpr& expr, Mat& m) const
    Mat temp;
    expr.op->assign(expr, temp);
    m /= temp;

Trans-Proteomic Pipeline

V524 It is odd that the body of '--' function is fully equivalent to the body of '++' function. charindexedvector.hpp 81

CharIndexedVectorIterator& operator++()
{ // preincrement
  return (*this);

CharIndexedVectorIterator& operator--()
{  // predecrement
  return (*this);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V524 It is odd that the body of '--' function is fully equivalent to the body of '++' function. charindexedvector.hpp 87
  • V524 It is odd that the body of '--' function is fully equivalent to the body of '++' function. charindexedvector.hpp 159
  • V524 It is odd that the body of '--' function is fully equivalent to the body of '++' function. charindexedvector.hpp 165


V524 It is odd that the body of '_calcIntervalTreeNodeCenterRight' function is fully equivalent to the body of '_calcIntervalTreeNodeCenterLeft' function. misc_interval_tree.h 1216

template<typename TIntervals, typename TValue>
_calcIntervalTreeNodeCenterLeft(TIntervals & intervals,
   TValue &, TValue &, Tag<TagRandomCenter_> const)
  TValue rand_index = rand()%length(intervals);
  return (rightBoundary(*value(intervals,rand_index))+

template<typename TIntervals, typename TValue>
_calcIntervalTreeNodeCenterRight(TIntervals & intervals,
  TValue &, TValue &, Tag<TagRandomCenter_> const)
  TValue rand_index = rand()%length(intervals);
  return (rightBoundary(*value(intervals,rand_index))+

Geant4 software

V524 It is odd that the body of 'GetH2Xmax' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'GetH2Xmin' function. _G4analysis-archive g4csvanalysismanager.cc 933

G4double G4CsvAnalysisManager::GetH2Xmin(G4int /*id*/) const
  return 0;

G4double G4CsvAnalysisManager::GetH2Xmax(G4int /*id*/) const
  return 0;


V524 It is odd that the body of 'end' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'begin' function. event_packet.h 36

class CONTENT_EXPORT EventPacket {
  InputEvents::const_iterator begin() const
    { return events_.end(); }
  InputEvents::const_iterator end() const
    { return events_.end(); }
  InputEvents events_;


V524 It is odd that the body of 'getWriteSourceCache' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'getReadSourceCache' function. components factory.hpp 209

class Factory
  bool getReadSourceCache() { return mReadSourceCache; }
  bool getWriteSourceCache() { return mReadSourceCache; }
  bool mReadSourceCache;
  bool mWriteSourceCache;

Spring Engine

V524 It is odd that the body of '-' function is fully equivalent to the body of '+' function. assimp%engine-headless%engine-legacy types.h 183

/** Component-wise addition */
aiColor3D operator+(const aiColor3D& c) const {
  return aiColor3D(r+c.r,g+c.g,b+c.b);

/** Component-wise subtraction */
aiColor3D operator-(const aiColor3D& c) const {
  return aiColor3D(r+c.r,g+c.g,b+c.b);

Spring Engine

V524 It is odd that the body of '>' function is fully equivalent to the body of '<' function. assimp 3dshelper.h 470

bool operator < (const aiFloatKey& o) const
  {return mTime < o.mTime;}

bool operator > (const aiFloatKey& o) const
  {return mTime < o.mTime;}

The GTK+ Project

V524 It is odd that the body of 'gtk_mirror_bin_get_preferred_height' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'gtk_mirror_bin_get_preferred_width' function. offscreen_window2.c 340

static void
gtk_mirror_bin_get_preferred_width (GtkWidget *widget,
                                    gint      *minimum,
                                    gint      *natural)
  GtkRequisition requisition;
  gtk_mirror_bin_size_request (widget, &requisition);
  *minimum = *natural = requisition.width;

static void
gtk_mirror_bin_get_preferred_height (GtkWidget *widget,
                                     gint      *minimum,
                                     gint      *natural)
  GtkRequisition requisition;

  gtk_mirror_bin_size_request (widget, &requisition);

  *minimum = *natural = requisition.width;

The GTK+ Project

V524 It is odd that the body of 'gtk_hsv_get_preferred_height' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'gtk_hsv_get_preferred_width' function. gtkhsv.c 310

static void
gtk_hsv_get_preferred_width (GtkWidget *widget,
                             gint      *minimum,
                             gint      *natural)
  GtkHSV *hsv = GTK_HSV (widget);
  GtkHSVPrivate *priv = hsv->priv;
  gint focus_width;
  gint focus_pad;

  gtk_widget_style_get (widget,
                        "focus-line-width", &focus_width,
                        "focus-padding", &focus_pad,

  *minimum = priv->size + 2 * (focus_width + focus_pad);
  *natural = priv->size + 2 * (focus_width + focus_pad);

static void
gtk_hsv_get_preferred_height (GtkWidget *widget,
                              gint      *minimum,
                              gint      *natural)
  GtkHSV *hsv = GTK_HSV (widget);
  GtkHSVPrivate *priv = hsv->priv;
  gint focus_width;
  gint focus_pad;

  gtk_widget_style_get (widget,
                        "focus-line-width", &focus_width,
                        "focus-padding", &focus_pad,

  *minimum = priv->size + 2 * (focus_width + focus_pad);
  *natural = priv->size + 2 * (focus_width + focus_pad);

Open X-Ray Engine

V524 It is odd that the body of 'width' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'height' function. tpixel.h 1090

class RGBAMipMappedCubeMap
  size_t height() const
    return cubeFaces[0].height();

  size_t width() const
    return cubeFaces[0].height();


V524 It is odd that the body of '_compare_by_frequency' function is fully equivalent to the body of '_compare_by_name' function. setting-storage-applications-utils.c 79

typedef struct {
  char *id;
  char *size_str;
  char *name;
  char *l_icon;
  unsigned long long size;
  int total_size;
  time_t added_time;
  bool is_removable;
  Setting_GenGroupItem_Data *data;
  SettingStorage *ad;
  Ecore_Timer *size_timer;
} Node_Info;

int _compare_by_name(const void *data1, const void *data2)
  const Node_Info *d1 = data1;
  const Node_Info *d2 = data2;

  if (!d1)
    return -1;
  if (!d2)
    return 1;

  return(strcmp(d1->name, d2->name));

int _compare_by_frequency(const void *data1, const void *data2)
  const Node_Info *d1 = data1;
  const Node_Info *d2 = data2;

  if (!d1)
    return -1;
  if (!d2)
    return 1;

  return(strcmp(d1->name, d2->name));


V524 It is odd that the body of 'downLine' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'upLine' function. rest.cpp 667

int Rest::upLine() const
  qreal _spatium = spatium();
  return lrint((pos().y() + bbox().top() +
    _spatium) * 2 / _spatium);

int Rest::downLine() const
  qreal _spatium = spatium();
  return lrint((pos().y() + bbox().top() +
    _spatium) * 2 / _spatium);


V524 It is odd that the body of 'trio_index_last' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'trio_index' function. triostr.c 933

   Find first occurrence of a character in a string.
TRIO_ARGS2((string, character),
     TRIO_CONST char *string,
     int character)
  return strchr(string, character);

   Find last occurrence of a character in a string.
TRIO_ARGS2((string, character),
     TRIO_CONST char *string,
     int character)
  return strchr(string, character);


V524 It is odd that the body of '>>' function is fully equivalent to the body of '<<' function. EAFixedPoint.h 287

template <class  T,
  int  upShiftInt, int downShiftInt,
  int  upMulInt,   int downDivInt>

struct FPTemplate
  FPTemplate operator<<(int numBits) const { return value << numBits; }
  FPTemplate operator>>(int numBits) const { return value << numBits; }

  FPTemplate& operator<<=(int numBits) { value <<= numBits; return *this;}
  FPTemplate& operator>>=(int numBits) { value >>= numBits; return *this;}

Heawei Ark Compiler

V524 It is odd that the body of '-' function is fully equivalent to the body of '+' function. mpl_number.h 158

template <typename T, typename Tag>
inline Number<T, Tag> operator+(const Number<T, Tag> &lhs,
                                const Number<T, Tag> &rhs) {
  return Number<T, Tag>(lhs.get() + rhs.get());

template <typename T, typename Tag>
inline Number<T, Tag> operator-(const Number<T, Tag> &lhs,
                                const Number<T, Tag> &rhs) {
  return Number<T, Tag>(lhs.get() + rhs.get());

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V524 It is odd that the body of '-' function is fully equivalent to the body of '+' function. mpl_number.h 233
  • V524 It is odd that the body of '-' function is fully equivalent to the body of '+' function. mpl_number.h 238

Newton Game Dynamics

V524 It is odd that the body of 'EnabledAxis1' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'EnabledAxis0' function. dCustomDoubleHingeActuator.cpp 88

void dCustomDoubleHingeActuator::EnabledAxis0(bool state)
  m_axis0Enable = state;  <=
void dCustomDoubleHingeActuator::EnabledAxis1(bool state)
  m_axis0Enable = state;  <=

Command & Conquer

V524 It is odd that the body of 'Mono_Y' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'Mono_X' function. MONOC.CPP 753

class MonoClass {
  int Get_X(void) const {return X;};
  int Get_Y(void) const {return Y;};

int Mono_X(void)
  if (MonoClass::Is_Enabled()) {
    MonoClass *mono = MonoClass::Get_Current();
    if (!mono) {
      mono = new MonoClass();
    return(short)mono->Get_X();                  // <=

int Mono_Y(void)
  if (MonoClass::Is_Enabled()) {
    MonoClass *mono = MonoClass::Get_Current();
    if (!mono) {
      mono = new MonoClass();
    return(short)mono->Get_X();                  // <= Get_Y() ?

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V524 It is odd that the body of 'Mono_Y' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'Mono_X' function. MONOC.CPP 1083


V524 It is odd that the body of 'move_down' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'move_up' function. indicators.hpp 983

static inline void move_up(int lines) { move(0, -lines); }
static inline void move_down(int lines) { move(0, -lines); }    // <=
static inline void move_right(int cols) { move(cols, 0); }
static inline void move_left(int cols) { move(-cols, 0); }


V524 It is odd that the body of '<=' function is fully equivalent to the body of '<' function. qjsonobject.h 155

class Q_CORE_EXPORT QJsonObject
  bool operator<(const iterator& other) const
  { Q_ASSERT(item.o == other.item.o); return item.index < other.item.index; }
  bool operator<=(const iterator& other) const
  { Q_ASSERT(item.o == other.item.o); return item.index < other.item.index; }


V524 It is odd that the body of 'downLine' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'upLine' function. rest.cpp 718

int Rest::upLine() const
    qreal _spatium = spatium();
    return lrint((pos().y() + bbox().top() + _spatium) * 2 / _spatium);

int Rest::downLine() const
    qreal _spatium = spatium();
    return lrint((pos().y() + bbox().top() + _spatium) * 2 / _spatium);


V524 It is odd that the body of '--' function is fully equivalent to the body of '++' function. ExecutorAddress.h 104

class ExecutorAddress {
  ExecutorAddress &operator++() {
    return *this;
  ExecutorAddress &operator--() {
    return *this;
  ExecutorAddress operator++(int) { return ExecutorAddress(Addr++); }
  ExecutorAddress operator--(int) { return ExecutorAddress(Addr++); }  // <=

  ExecutorAddress &operator+=(const ExecutorAddrDiff Delta) {
    Addr += Delta.getValue();
    return *this;

  ExecutorAddress &operator-=(const ExecutorAddrDiff Delta) {
    Addr -= Delta.getValue();
    return *this;
  uint64_t Addr = 0;


V524 It is odd that the body of 'p_begin' function is fully equivalent to the body of 's_end' function. TaxonomyCreator.h 82

ss_iterator s_begin ( void ) override { return beg; }
ss_iterator s_end ( void ) override { return end; }
ss_iterator p_begin ( void ) override { return end; }      // <=
ss_iterator p_end ( void ) override { return end; }


V524 It is odd that the body of 'end' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'begin' function. string.h 258

class BLString : public BLStringCore
  // ....
  BL_INLINE const char* begin() const noexcept
    return impl->data + impl->size;

  BL_INLINE const char* end() const noexcept
    return impl->data + impl->size;
  // ....


V524 It is odd that the body of 'walGetCurFileLastVer' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'walGetCurFileFirstVer' function. walInt.h 97

typedef struct {
  int64_t firstVer;
  int64_t lastVer;
  int64_t createTs;
  int64_t closeTs;
  int64_t fileSize;
  int64_t syncedOffset;
} SWalFileInfo;

static inline int64_t walGetCurFileFirstVer(SWal* pWal) {
  if (pWal->writeCur == -1) return -1;
  SWalFileInfo* pInfo =
    (SWalFileInfo*)taosArrayGet(pWal->fileInfoSet, pWal->writeCur);
  return pInfo->firstVer;

static inline int64_t walGetCurFileLastVer(SWal* pWal) {
  if (pWal->writeCur == -1) return -1;
  SWalFileInfo* pInfo =
    (SWalFileInfo*)taosArrayGet(pWal->fileInfoSet, pWal->writeCur);
  return pInfo->firstVer;

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