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Examples of errors detected by the V513…

Examples of errors detected by the V513 diagnostic

V513. Use _beginthreadex/_endthreadex functions instead of CreateThread/ExitThread functions.

Multi Theft Auto

V513 Use _beginthreadex/_endthreadex functions instead of CreateThread/ExitThread functions. cscreenshot.cpp 203

void CScreenShot::BeginSave (....)
  HANDLE hThread = CreateThread (
    NULL );

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V513 Use _beginthreadex/_endthreadex functions instead of CreateThread/ExitThread functions. cservercache.cpp 208
  • V513 Use _beginthreadex/_endthreadex functions instead of CreateThread/ExitThread functions. cthread.cpp 46
  • V513 Use _beginthreadex/_endthreadex functions instead of CreateThread/ExitThread functions. cserveridmanager.cpp 199
  • And 3 additional diagnostic messages.

Trans-Proteomic Pipeline

V513 Use _beginthreadex/_endthreadex functions instead of CreateThread/ExitThread functions. interprophet.cxx 2479

double InterProphet::getNSPCounts() {
#ifdef MSVC
  pHandle[a] = CreateThread(NULL,0,NSPThread,
                            (void*) &data[a],0, NULL);
                 (void*) &data[a]);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V513 Use _beginthreadex/_endthreadex functions instead of CreateThread/ExitThread functions. interprophet.cxx 83
  • V513 Use _beginthreadex/_endthreadex functions instead of CreateThread/ExitThread functions. interprophet.cxx 122
  • V513 Use _beginthreadex/_endthreadex functions instead of CreateThread/ExitThread functions. interprophet.cxx 159
  • And 6 additional diagnostic messages.


V513 Use _beginthreadex/_endthreadex functions instead of CreateThread/ExitThread functions. system_thread.h 75

inline bool open(BOOL initital = false) {
  return hThread = CreateThread(
    &ThreadDefaultAttributes,  // default security attributes
    0,                         // use default stack size
    &_start,                   // thread function
    this,                      // argument to thread function
    0,                         // use default creation flags
    &hThreadID);               // returns the thread identifier


V513 Use _beginthreadex/_endthreadex functions instead of CreateThread/ExitThread functions. cwindow.cpp 745

bool THREADCLASS::createThread()
  if (hThread) return false;

  hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0,
    (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)ThreadProc, this, 0, &threadID);
  if (!hThread) return false;
  //WaitForSingleObject(hThread, INFINITE);
  return true;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V513 Use _beginthreadex/_endthreadex functions instead of CreateThread/ExitThread functions. luaconsole.cpp 143

PostgreSQL Database Management System

V513 Use _beginthreadex/_endthreadex functions instead of CreateThread/ExitThread functions. postgres signal.c 89

  signal_thread_handle = CreateThread(NULL, 0,
    pg_signal_thread, NULL, 0, NULL);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V513 Use _beginthreadex/_endthreadex functions instead of CreateThread/ExitThread functions. postgres signal.c 312
  • V513 Use _beginthreadex/_endthreadex functions instead of CreateThread/ExitThread functions. postgres timer.c 105
  • V513 Use _beginthreadex/_endthreadex functions instead of CreateThread/ExitThread functions. pg_dump pg_backup_utils.c 122
  • And 7 additional diagnostic messages.

Source Engine SDK

V513 Use _beginthreadex/_endthreadex functions instead of CreateThread/ExitThread functions. Vbsp threads.cpp 192

void RunThreads_Start(....)
  g_ThreadHandles[i] = CreateThread(
     &dwDummy );

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V513 Use _beginthreadex/_endthreadex functions instead of CreateThread/ExitThread functions. Vrad_dll mpi_stats.cpp 633
  • V513 Use _beginthreadex/_endthreadex functions instead of CreateThread/ExitThread functions. Vrad_dll mysqldatabase.cpp 63
  • V513 Use _beginthreadex/_endthreadex functions instead of CreateThread/ExitThread functions. Vvis_dll mpivis.cpp 586


V513 Use _beginthreadex/_endthreadex functions instead of CreateThread/ExitThread functions. libtesseract303 svutil.cpp 191

void SVSync::StartThread(void *(*func)(void*), void* arg) {
#ifdef _WIN32
  DWORD threadid;
  HANDLE newthread = CreateThread(
  NULL,          // default security attributes
  0,             // use default stack size
  f,             // thread function
  arg,           // argument to thread function
  0,             // use default creation flags
  &threadid);    // returns the thread identifier
  pthread_t helper;
  pthread_create(&helper, NULL, func, arg);

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