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Examples of errors detected by the V509…

Examples of errors detected by the V509 diagnostic

V509. Exceptions raised inside noexcept functions must be wrapped in a try..catch block.


V509 The 'throw' operator inside the destructor should be placed within the try..catch block. Raising exception inside the destructor is illegal. OgreMain ogrearchivemanager.cpp 124

#define OGRE_EXCEPT(num, desc, src) \
  throw Ogre::ExceptionFactory::create( \
    Ogre::ExceptionCodeType<num>(), desc, \
    src, __FILE__, __LINE__ );

  // Unload & delete resources in turn
  for( ArchiveMap::iterator it = mArchives.begin();
       it != mArchives.end(); ++it )
    Archive* arch = it->second;
    // Unload
    // Find factory to destroy
    ArchiveFactoryMap::iterator fit =
    if (fit == mArchFactories.end())
      // Factory not found
                  "Cannot find an archive factory "
                  "to deal with archive of type " +
  // Empty the list


V509 The 'throw' operator inside the destructor should be placed within the try..catch block. Raising exception inside the destructor is illegal. cachefileoutbuffer.cpp 52

  if (IsOpen())
    streamOffsets.push_back (GetFileSize());
    size_t lastOffset = streamOffsets[0];
    for (size_t i = 1,
         count = streamOffsets.size();
         i < count; ++i)
      size_t offset = streamOffsets[i];
      size_t size = offset - lastOffset;

      if (size >= (DWORD)(-1))
        throw CStreamException("stream too large");

      Add ((DWORD)size);
      lastOffset = offset;

    Add ((DWORD)(streamOffsets.size()-1));


V509 The 'new' operator should be located inside the try..catch block, as it could potentially generate an exception. Raising exception inside the destructor is illegal. nodeperfview.cpp 109

  WorkerTask *pTask;
  while((pTask = (WorkerTask *)m_workerQueue.Get()) != NULL)
    delete pTask;
  m_workerQueue.Put(new WorkerTask(NULL, TASK_SHUTDOWN));


V509 The 'new' operator should be located inside the try..catch block, as it could potentially generate an exception. Raising exception inside the destructor is illegal. prerender_contents.cc 382

PrerenderContents::~PrerenderContents() {
  for (....)
    content::RenderProcessHost* host =
      new PrerenderMsg_OnPrerenderRemoveAliases(alias_urls_));

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V509 The 'new' operator should be located inside the try..catch block, as it could potentially generate an exception. Raising exception inside the destructor is illegal. sync_task_manager.cc 40
  • V509 The 'new' operator should be located inside the try..catch block, as it could potentially generate an exception. Raising exception inside the destructor is illegal. proxy_webidbdatabase_impl.cc 42
  • V509 The 'new' operator should be located inside the try..catch block, as it could potentially generate an exception. Raising exception inside the destructor is illegal. proxy_webidbcursor_impl.cc 38
  • And 12 additional diagnostic messages.

Geant4 software

V509 The 'new' operator should be located inside the try..catch block, as it could potentially generate an exception. Raising exception inside the destructor is illegal. _G4FR-archive g4thitscollection.hh 161

template <class T> G4THitsCollection<T>::~G4THitsCollection()
  if (!anHCAllocator_G4MT_TLS_) anHCAllocator_G4MT_TLS_ =
    new G4Allocator<G4HitsCollection>;
  std::vector<T*> * theHitsCollection =
  for(size_t i=0;i<theHitsCollection->size();i++)
  { delete (*theHitsCollection)[i]; }
  delete theHitsCollection;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V509 The 'new' operator should be located inside the try..catch block, as it could potentially generate an exception. Raising exception inside the destructor is illegal. _G4digits_hits-archive g4hcofthisevent.cc 49
  • V509 The 'new' operator should be located inside the try..catch block, as it could potentially generate an exception. Raising exception inside the destructor is illegal. _G4digits_hits-archive g4dcofthisevent.cc 49
  • V509 The 'new' operator should be located inside the try..catch block, as it could potentially generate an exception. Raising exception inside the destructor is illegal. _G4digits_hits-archive g4tdigicollection.hh 165
  • And 11 additional diagnostic messages.

Protocol Buffers

V509 The 'new' operator should be located inside the try..catch block, as it could potentially generate an exception. Raising exception inside the destructor is illegal. command_line_interface.cc 479

  *map_slot = new string;

Source Engine SDK

V509 The 'new' operator should be located inside the try..catch block, as it could potentially generate an exception. Raising exception inside the destructor is illegal. Client (HL2) particles_new.cpp 92

  KeyValues *msg = new KeyValues( "ParticleSystem_Destroy" );

Source Engine SDK

V509 The 'new' operator should be located inside the try..catch block, as it could potentially generate an exception. Raising exception inside the destructor is illegal. Client (HL2) toolframework_client.cpp 222

  if ( m_bToolsEnabled )
    KeyValues *msg = new KeyValues( "EffectsOwner" );
    ToolFramework_PostToolMessage( HTOOLHANDLE_INVALID, msg );

Data Distribution Service

V509 The 'new' operator should be located inside the try..catch block, as it could potentially generate an exception. Raising exception inside the destructor is illegal. sedp.cpp 2456


Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V509 The 'throw' operator inside the destructor should be placed within the try..catch block. Raising exception inside the destructor is illegal. sync.cpp 19
  • V509 The 'throw' operator inside the destructor should be placed within the try..catch block. Raising exception inside the destructor is illegal. sync.cpp 93
  • V509 The 'throw' operator inside the destructor should be placed within the try..catch block. Raising exception inside the destructor is illegal. sync.cpp 158


V509 The 'new' operator should be located inside the try..catch block, as it could potentially generate an exception. Raising exception inside the destructor is illegal. renderer.cxx 437

  getViewer()->setSceneData(new osg::Group);


V509 The 'new' operator should be located inside the try..catch block, as it could potentially generate an exception. Raising exception inside the destructor is illegal. preservechdir.cpp 43

  if (originalCurrentDirectory)
    DWORD len = GetCurrentDirectory(0, NULL);
    TCHAR * currentDirectory = new TCHAR[len];


V509 The 'new' operator should be located inside the try..catch block, as it could potentially generate an exception. Raising exception inside the destructor is illegal. preservechdir.cpp 43

  std::unique_ptr<TCHAR[]> currentDirectory(new TCHAR[len]);


V509 The 'new' operator should be located inside the try..catch block, as it could potentially generate an exception. Raising exception inside the destructor is illegal. mediapipeline.h 422

  nsresult rv = NS_DispatchToMainThread(new
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V509 The 'new' operator should be located inside the try..catch block, as it could potentially generate an exception. Raising exception inside the destructor is illegal. mediapipeline.h 579


V509 The 'new' operator should be located inside the try..catch block, as it could potentially generate an exception. Raising exception inside the destructor is illegal. winmtf.cxx 852

  mpGDIMetaFile->AddAction( new MetaPopAction() );

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V509 The 'new' operator should be located inside the try..catch block, as it could potentially generate an exception. Raising exception inside the destructor is illegal. export.cxx 279
  • V509 The 'new' operator should be located inside the try..catch block, as it could potentially generate an exception. Raising exception inside the destructor is illegal. getfilenamewrapper.cxx 73
  • V509 The 'new' operator should be located inside the try..catch block, as it could potentially generate an exception. Raising exception inside the destructor is illegal. e3dsceneupdater.cxx 80
  • And 2 additional diagnostic messages.


V509 The 'dynamic_cast<T&>' operator should be located inside the try..catch block, as it could potentially generate an exception. Raising exception inside the destructor is illegal. docbm.cxx 846

virtual ~LazyFieldmarkDeleter()

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V509 The 'dynamic_cast<T&>' operator should be located inside the try..catch block, as it could potentially generate an exception. Raising exception inside the destructor is illegal. ndtxt.cxx 4886


V509 The 'throw' operator inside the destructor should be placed within the try..catch block. Raising exception inside the destructor is illegal. consoleclose.cpp 62

  #if !defined(UNDER_CE) && defined(_WIN32)
  if (!SetConsoleCtrlHandler(HandlerRoutine, FALSE))
    throw "SetConsoleCtrlHandler fails";


V509 [CERT-DCL57-CPP] The noexcept function '=' calls function 'setName' which can potentially throw an exception. Consider wrapping it in a try..catch block. Device.cpp 48

struct Device
  static constexpr auto NameBufferSize = 240;
  void setName(const std::string &name)
    if (name.size() > NameBufferSize)
        throw std::runtime_error("Requested name is bigger than buffer
    strcpy(this->name.data(), name.c_str());


Devicei &Devicei::operator=(Devicei &&d) noexcept

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