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Examples of errors detected by the V507…

Examples of errors detected by the V507 diagnostic

V507. Pointer to local array 'X' is stored outside the scope of this array. Such a pointer will become invalid.


V507 Pointer to local array 'stringbuf' is stored outside the scope of this array. Such a pointer will become invalid. mainwindow.cpp 277

LRESULT CALLBACK CMainWindow::WinMsgHandler(....)
  if (pNMHDR->code == TTN_GETDISPINFO)

    lpttt = (LPTOOLTIPTEXT) lParam;
    lpttt->hinst = hResource;

    // Specify the resource identifier of the
    // descriptive text for the given button.
    TCHAR stringbuf[MAX_PATH] = {0};
    lpttt->lpszText = stringbuf;

It's not that simple with this code. Theoretically, the code contains an error. Practically, it works well. The V507 diagnostic message warns you that an object is used after being destroyed. The 'stringbuf' buffer will be used after exiting the body of the 'if' operator. If 'stringbuf' was an object of the class std::string, for instance, its behavior would be incorrect. We would use an already destroyed object in that case. But here 'stringbuf' is an array created in the stack. The Visual C++ compiler doesn't use this stack area again, so the buffer will exist until the 'CMainWindow::WinMsgHandler' function finishes its work. Thus, no error occurs, although the code is potentially dangerous.

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V507 Pointer to local array 'stringbuf' is stored outside the scope of this array. Such a pointer will become invalid. picwindow.cpp 443


V507 Pointer to local array 'var' is stored outside the scope of this array. Such a pointer will become invalid. ri renderer.cpp 5974

class CVariable {
  char  name[64];  // Name as it is referenced

void CRendererContext::RiGeometryV(
  char *type,int n,char *tokens[],void *params[])
  } else {
    CVariable var;
    if (parseVariable(&var,NULL,tokens[i])) {
      tokens[i] = var.name;
    } else {
            "Unrecognised implicit parameter: %s\n",tokens[i]);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V507 Pointer to local array 'var' is stored outside the scope of this array. Such a pointer will become invalid. ri renderer.cpp 6010


V507 Pointer to local array 'buf' is stored outside the scope of this array. Such a pointer will become invalid. myisam ha_myisam.cc 1156

int ha_myisam::assign_to_keycache(THD* thd,
                                  HA_CHECK_OPT *check_opt)
  const char *errmsg= 0;
  if ((error= mi_assign_to_key_cache(file, map, new_key_cache)))
    my_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
      "Failed to flush to index file (errno: %d)", error);
    errmsg = buf;
    error = HA_ADMIN_CORRUPT;

It's not that simple with this code. Theoretically, the code contains an error. Practically, it works well. The V507 diagnostic message warns you that an object is used after being destroyed. The 'buf' buffer will be used after exiting the body of the 'if' operator. If 'buf' was an object of the class std::string, for instance, its behavior would be incorrect. We would use an already destroyed object in that case. But here 'buf' is an array created in the stack. The Visual C++ compiler doesn't use this stack area again, so the buffer will exist until the 'ha_myisam::assign_to_keycache' function finishes its work. Thus, no error occurs, although the code is potentially dangerous.

Source Engine SDK

V507 Pointer to local array 'szActName' is stored outside the scope of this array. Such a pointer will become invalid. Server (HL2) baseflex.cpp 1326

static Activity DetermineExpressionMoveActivity(
  CChoreoEvent *event, CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC )
  const char *pszAct = Q_strstr( sParam2, " " );
  if ( pszAct )
    char szActName[256];
    Q_strncpy( szActName, sParam2, sizeof(szActName) );
    szActName[ (pszAct-sParam2) ] = '\0';
    pszAct = szActName;


V507 Pointer to local array 'strfl' is stored outside the scope of this array. Such a pointer will become invalid. sci_champ.c 103

int sci_champ_G(....)
  char * strf = NULL ;
  if ( isDefStrf( strf ) )
    char strfl[4];
    strf = strfl;
    if ( !isDefRect( rect ) )

  (*func)(stk(l1 ),stk(l2 ),stk(l3 ),stk(l4 ),
    &m3,&n3,strf,rect, arfact, 4L);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V507 Pointer to local array 'strfl' is stored outside the scope of this array. Such a pointer will become invalid. sci_fec.c 111
  • V507 Pointer to local array 'strfl' is stored outside the scope of this array. Such a pointer will become invalid. sci_grayplot.c 94
  • V507 Pointer to local array 'strfl' is stored outside the scope of this array. Such a pointer will become invalid. sci_matplot.c 84

Miranda NG

V507 Pointer to local array 'str' is stored outside the scope of this array. Such a pointer will become invalid. Miranda genmenu.cpp 973

HMENU BuildRecursiveMenu(....)
  if (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000) {
    TCHAR str[256];

    mir_sntprintf(str, SIZEOF(str),
      _T("%s (%d, id %x)"), mi->pszName,
      mi->position, mii.dwItemData);

    mii.dwTypeData = str;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V507 Pointer to local array 'str' is stored outside the scope of this array. Such a pointer will become invalid. Miranda genmenu.cpp 988
  • V507 Pointer to local array 'szFiles' is stored outside the scope of this array. Such a pointer will become invalid. ICQ icq_proto.cpp 1323
  • V507 Pointer to local array 'jidreason' is stored outside the scope of this array. Such a pointer will become invalid. Jabber jabber_iqid_muc.cpp 121
  • And 4 additional diagnostic messages.


V507 Pointer to local array 'label' is stored outside the scope of this array. Such a pointer will become invalid. usrintrf.c 2121

static int settraksettings(struct mame_bitmap *bitmap,
                           int selected)
  const char *menu_item[40];
  const char *menu_subitem[40];
  for (i = 0;i < total2;i++)
    if (i < total2 - 1)
      char label[30][40];
      char setting[30][40];
      menu_item[i] = label[i];
      menu_subitem[i] = setting[i];

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V507 Pointer to local array 'setting' is stored outside the scope of this array. Such a pointer will become invalid. usrintrf.c 2122

GNU Octave

V507 Pointer to local array 'dirbuf' is stored outside the scope of this array. Such a pointer will become invalid. tmpdir.c 128

int path_search(const char *dir, ....)
  if (....)
    char dirbuf[PATH_MAX];
    dir = dirbuf;
  dlen = strlen (dir);


V507 Pointer to local array 'n' is stored outside the scope of this array. Such a pointer will become invalid. inkscape.cpp 582

Application::crash_handler(int /*signum*/)
  if (doc->isModifiedSinceSave()) {
    const gchar *docname;
  if (docname) {
    if (*d=='.' && d>docname && dots==2) {
      char n[64];
      size_t len = MIN (d - docname, 63);
      memcpy (n, docname, len);
      n[len] = '\0';
      docname = n;
  if (!docname || !*docname) docname = "emergency";

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V507 Pointer to local array 'in_buffer' is stored outside the scope of this array. Such a pointer will become invalid. inkjar.cpp 371
  • V507 Pointer to local array 'out_buffer' is stored outside the scope of this array. Such a pointer will become invalid. inkjar.cpp 375


V507 Pointer to local array 'buf' is stored outside the scope of this array. Such a pointer will become invalid. hsa-dump.c 704

static void
dump_hsa_symbol (FILE *f, hsa_symbol *symbol)
  const char *name;
  if (symbol->m_name)
    name = symbol->m_name;
    char buf[64];
    sprintf (buf, "__%s_%i", hsa_seg_name (symbol->m_segment),
     name = buf;

  fprintf (f, "align(%u) %s_%s %s",
           hsa_byte_alignment (symbol->m_align),
           hsa_type_name(symbol->m_type & ~BRIG_TYPE_ARRAY_MASK),


V507 Pointer to local array 'buffer' is stored outside the scope of this array. Such a pointer will become invalid. media_codec_test.c 793

void extract_input_aacdec_m4a_test(
  App * app, unsigned char **data, int *size, bool * have_frame)
  unsigned char buffer[100000];
  *data = buffer;
  *have_frame = TRUE;
  if (read_size >= offset)
    *size = offset;
    *size = read_size;


V507 CWE-562 Pointer to local array 'buf' is stored outside the scope of this array. Such a pointer will become invalid. transport.cpp 1030

int register_socket_transport(int s, const char* serial, int port, int local) {
  atransport* t = new atransport();

  if (!serial) {
    char buf[32];
    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "T-%p", t);
    serial = buf;

Doom 1

V507 [CWE-562] Pointer to local array 'clipbot' is stored outside the scope of this array. Such a pointer will become invalid. r_things.c 947

short *mfloorclip;
short *mceilingclip;
void R_DrawSprite (vissprite_t* spr)
  short clipbot[SCREENWIDTH];
  short cliptop[SCREENWIDTH];
  mfloorclip = clipbot;
  mceilingclip = cliptop;
  R_DrawVisSprite (spr, spr->x1, spr->x2);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V507 [CWE-562] Pointer to local array 'cliptop' is stored outside the scope of this array. Such a pointer will become invalid. r_things.c 948

Command & Conquer

V507 Pointer to local array 'localpalette' is stored outside the scope of this array. Such a pointer will become invalid. MAPSEL.CPP 757

extern "C" unsigned char *InterpolationPalette;

void Map_Selection(void)
  unsigned char localpalette[768];
  InterpolationPalette = localpalette;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V507 Pointer to local array 'localpalette' is stored outside the scope of this array. Such a pointer will become invalid. MAPSEL.CPP 769
  • V507 Pointer to local array 'buffer' is stored outside the scope of this array. Such a pointer will become invalid. WINDOWS.CPP 458

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