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Examples of errors detected by the V312…

Examples of errors detected by the V3127 diagnostic

V3127. Two similar code fragments were found. Perhaps, this is a typo and 'X' variable should be used instead of 'Y'.

Media Portal 2

V3127 Two similar code fragments were found. Perhaps, this is a typo and 'AllocinebId' variable should be used instead of 'CinePassionId' MovieRelationshipExtractor.cs 126

if (movie.CinePassionId > 0)
if (movie.CinePassionId > 0) // <=

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V3127 Two similar code fragments were found. Perhaps, this is a typo and 'attrY' variable should be used instead of 'attrX' AbstractSortByComparableValueAttribute.cs 94
  • V3127 Two similar code fragments were found. Perhaps, this is a typo and 'X' variable should be used instead of 'Y' Point2DList.cs 935
  • V3127 Two similar code fragments were found. Perhaps, this is a typo and 'Y' variable should be used instead of 'X' PointAnimation.cs 125

Roslyn Analyzers

V3127 Two similar code fragments were found. Perhaps, this is a typo and 'leadingTrivia' variable should be used instead of 'trailingTrivia' UseLiteralsWhereAppropriate.Fixer.cs 76

private async Task<Document> ToConstantDeclarationAsync(...)
  if (leadingTrivia.Count == 0 && trailingTrivia.Count == 0)
     leadingTrivia = leadingTrivia.AddRange(modifier.LeadingTrivia);
     trailingTrivia = trailingTrivia.AddRange(modifier.TrailingTrivia);
     trailingTrivia = trailingTrivia.AddRange(modifier.LeadingTrivia);  // <=
     trailingTrivia = trailingTrivia.AddRange(modifier.TrailingTrivia); // <=

Telerik UI for UWP

V3127 Two similar code fragments were found. Perhaps, this is a typo and 'emptyIconContainer' variable should be used instead of 'filledIconContainer' RadRatingItem.cs 240

protected override void OnApplyTemplate()

  this.filledIconContainer = this.GetTemplateChild("FilledIconContainer")
                               as Border;
  if (this.filledIconContainer == null)
    throw new MissingTemplatePartException("FilledIconContainer",

  this.emptyIconContainer = this.GetTemplateChild(EmptyIconContainer")
                              as Border;
  if (this.filledIconContainer == null)                   // <=
    throw new MissingTemplatePartException("EmptyIconContainer",


Orchard CMS

V3127 Two similar code fragments were found. Perhaps, this is a typo and 'AccessTokenSecret' variable should be used instead of 'ConsumerSecret' TwitterClientMessageHandler.cs 52

public async Task ConfigureOAuthAsync(HttpRequestMessage request)
  if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings.ConsumerSecret))
    settings.ConsumerSecret =
  if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings.ConsumerSecret))
    settings.AccessTokenSecret =


V3127 Two similar code fragments were found. Perhaps, this is a typo and 'window' variable should be used instead of 'src2' Cv2_imgproc.cs 1547

public static Point2d PhaseCorrelateRes(....)
  if (src1 == null)
    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(src1));
  if (src2 == null)
    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(src2));
  if (window == null)
    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(src2));   // <=


V3127 Two similar code fragments were found. Perhaps, this is a typo. SmugglerResult.cs(256), SmugglerResult.cs(253) Raven.Client

public override void WriteTo(StringBuilder writer)
  if (SqlConnectionStringsUpdated)
    json[nameof(SqlConnectionStringsUpdated)] = SqlConnectionStringsUpdated;

  if (ClientConfigurationUpdated)
    json[nameof(ClientConfigurationUpdated)] = ClientConfigurationUpdated;

  if (ConflictSolverConfigUpdated)
    json[nameof(ConflictSolverConfigUpdated)] = ClientConfigurationUpdated;

  if (PeriodicBackupsUpdated)
    json[nameof(PeriodicBackupsUpdated)] = PeriodicBackupsUpdated;

  if (ExternalReplicationsUpdated)
    json[nameof(ExternalReplicationsUpdated)] = ExternalReplicationsUpdated;


V3127 Two similar code fragments were found. Perhaps, this is a typo and 'oldMapRamp' variable should be used instead of 'oldMapHeight' Map.cs 964

public void Resize(int width, int height)
  var oldMapTiles = Tiles;
  var oldMapResources = Resources;
  var oldMapHeight = Height;
  var oldMapRamp = Ramp;
  var newSize = new Size(width, height);

  Tiles = CellLayer.Resize(oldMapTiles, newSize, oldMapTiles[MPos.Zero]);
  Resources = CellLayer.Resize(
  Height = CellLayer.Resize(oldMapHeight, newSize, oldMapHeight[MPos.Zero]);
  Ramp = CellLayer.Resize(oldMapRamp, newSize, oldMapHeight[MPos.Zero]);


V3127 Two similar code fragments were found. Perhaps, this is a typo and 'NO_RES_RANGE' variable should be used instead of 'NO_PRIV_RANGE' Filter.cs 771

public static PhpValue filter_var(....)
  if ((flags & (int)FilterFlag.NO_PRIV_RANGE) == (int)FilterFlag.NO_PRIV_RANGE)
    throw new NotImplementedException();

  if ((flags & (int)FilterFlag.NO_PRIV_RANGE) == (int)FilterFlag.NO_RES_RANGE)
    throw new NotImplementedException();


V3127 Two similar code fragments were found. Perhaps, this is a typo and 'txtHeight' variable should be used instead of 'txtWidth' CKEditorOptions.ascx.cs 2477

private void SaveModuleSettings()
  if (Utility.IsUnit(this.txtWidth.Text))
      this.txtWidth.Text);               // <=

  if (Utility.IsUnit(this.txtHeight.Text))
      this.txtWidth.Text);               // <=


V3127 Two similar code fragments were found. Perhaps, this is a typo and 'news' variable should be used instead of 'blog' CommentTests.cs 94

public override async Task InitializeAsync()
  using (var api = CreateApi())
    // Add archive
    var blog = await BlogArchive.CreateAsync(api);
    blog.Id = BLOG_ID;
    blog.SiteId = SITE_ID;
    blog.Title = "Blog";
    blog.EnableComments = true;
    blog.Published = DateTime.Now;
    await api.Pages.SaveAsync(blog);

    var news = await BlogArchive.CreateAsync(api);
    news.Id = NEWS_ID;
    news.SiteId = SITE_ID;
    news.Title = "News";
    blog.EnableComments = true;    // <=
    news.Published = DateTime.Now;
    await api.Pages.SaveAsync(news);

Orchard Core

V3127 Two similar code fragments were found. Perhaps, this is a typo and 'AccessTokenSecret' variable should be used instead of 'ConsumerSecret' TwitterClientMessageHandler.cs 51

public async Task ConfigureOAuthAsync(HttpRequestMessage request)
  var container = await _siteService.GetSiteSettingsAsync();
  var settings = container.As<TwitterSettings>();
  var protrector = _dataProtectionProvider
  var queryString = request.RequestUri.Query;

  if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings.ConsumerSecret))
    settings.ConsumerSecret =
  if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings.ConsumerSecret))
    settings.AccessTokenSecret =


V3127 Two similar code fragments were found. Perhaps, this is a typo and 'TargetApplicationId' variable should be used instead of 'TargetUserId' DiscordRestApiClient.cs 1759

public async Task<InviteMetadata>
            CreateChannelInviteAsync(ulong channelId,
                                     CreateChannelInviteParams args,
                                     RequestOptions options = null)
  if (args.TargetType.Value == TargetUserType.Stream)
    Preconditions.GreaterThan(args.TargetUserId, 0,
                              nameof(args.TargetUserId));      // <=

  if (args.TargetType.Value == TargetUserType.EmbeddedApplication)
    Preconditions.GreaterThan(args.TargetApplicationId, 0,
                              nameof(args.TargetUserId));      // <=


V3127 Two similar code fragments were found. Perhaps, this is a typo and 'ReservedQuantity' variable should be used instead of 'StockQuantity' InventoryManageService.cs 244

private async Task ReverseBookedInventory(Product product,
                                          InventoryJournal inventoryJournal)
    = combination.WarehouseInventory.Sum(x => x.StockQuantity);
    = combination.WarehouseInventory.Sum(x => x.StockQuantity);

    = product.ProductAttributeCombinations.Sum(x => x.StockQuantity);
    = product.ProductAttributeCombinations.Sum(x => x.ReservedQuantity);


V3127 Two similar code fragments were found. Perhaps, this is a typo and 'JournalStoragePath' variable should be used instead of 'DataDirectory' RestoreResult.cs 24

public override DynamicJsonValue ToJson()
  var json = base.ToJson();
  json[nameof(DataDirectory)] = DataDirectory;
  json[nameof(JournalStoragePath)] = DataDirectory;      // <=
  json[nameof(SnapshotRestore)] = SnapshotRestore.ToJson();
  return json;


V3127 Two similar code fragments were found. Perhaps, this is a typo and 'currentConfigEpoch' variable should be used instead of 'lastVotedConfigEpoch' ClusterConfig.cs 116

public ClusterConfig InitializeLocalWorker(....)
  Worker[] newWorkers = new Worker[workers.Length];
  Array.Copy(workers, newWorkers, workers.Length);
  newWorkers[1].address = address;
  newWorkers[1].port = port;
  newWorkers[1].nodeid = nodeId;
  newWorkers[1].configEpoch = configEpoch;
  newWorkers[1].lastVotedConfigEpoch = currentConfigEpoch;   // <=
  newWorkers[1].lastVotedConfigEpoch = lastVotedConfigEpoch; // <=
  newWorkers[1].role = role;
  newWorkers[1].replicaOfNodeId = replicaOfNodeId;
  newWorkers[1].replicationOffset = 0;
  newWorkers[1].hostname = hostname;
  return new ClusterConfig(slotMap, newWorkers);


V3127 Two similar code fragments were found. Perhaps, this is a typo and 'bottomRight' variable should be used instead of 'topRight' TMP_TextInfoDebugTool.cs 313

void DrawWordBounds()
  topLeft = m_Transform.TransformPoint(new (topLeft.x,
                                            maxAscender, 0));
  bottomLeft = m_Transform.TransformPoint(new (bottomLeft.x,
                                               minDescender, 0));
  bottomRight = m_Transform.TransformPoint(new (currentCharInfo.topRight.x,
                                                minDescender, 0));
  topRight = m_Transform.TransformPoint(new (currentCharInfo.topRight.x,
                                             maxAscender, 0));


V3127 Two similar code fragments were found. Perhaps, this is a typo and 'right' variable should be used instead of 'left' Insert.xaml.cs 303

private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  CanvasSizeTextBlock.Text = $"{right.PixelWidth} × " +
                             $"{right.PixelHeight} • " +
                             $"{Math.Round(left.DpiX, 0)} " +            // <=

  LeftImageSizeTextBlock.Text = $"{left.PixelWidth} × " +
                                $"{left.PixelHeight} • " +
                                $"{Math.Round(left.DpiX, 0)} " +


V3127 Two similar code fragments were found. Perhaps, this is a typo and 'Bounds' variable should be used instead of 'NativeBounds' Troubleshoot.xaml.cs 86

if (monitor.NativeBounds.Top > top)
  top = monitor.NativeBounds.Top;

if (monitor.Bounds.Left > left)                 // <=
  left = monitor.NativeBounds.Left;

if (monitor.NativeBounds.Bottom < top + height)
  top = monitor.NativeBounds.Bottom - height;

if (monitor.NativeBounds.Right < left + width)
  left = monitor.NativeBounds.Right - width;


V3127 Two similar code fragments were found. Perhaps, this is a typo and 'Height' variable should be used instead of 'Width' FFProbeVideoInfo.cs 357

private void FetchBdInfo(....)
  if (blurayVideoStream is not null && ffmpegVideoStream is not null)
    blurayVideoStream.Width = blurayVideoStream.Width.GetValueOrDefault()
          == 0 ? ffmpegVideoStream.Width : blurayVideoStream.Width;

    blurayVideoStream.Height = blurayVideoStream.Height.GetValueOrDefault()
          == 0 ? ffmpegVideoStream.Width : blurayVideoStream.Height;

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