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Examples of errors detected by the V310…

Examples of errors detected by the V3102 diagnostic

V3102. Suspicious access to element by a constant index inside a loop.


V3102 Suspicious access to element of 'data' object by a constant index inside a loop. Accord.MachineLearning BinarySplit.cs 121

public override int[] Compute(double[][] data, double[] weights)
  int cols = data[0].Length;
  for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
    if (data[0].Length != cols)
      throw new DimensionMismatchException("data",
                  "The points matrix should be rectangular.
                   The vector at position {} has a different
                   length than previous ones.");


V3102 Suspicious access to element of 'Attrs' object by a constant index inside a loop. mcs-net_4_x attribute.cs 1272

public void ConvertGlobalAttributes (
  TypeContainer member,
  NamespaceContainer currentNamespace,
  bool isGlobal)
  var member_explicit_targets = member.ValidAttributeTargets;
  for (int i = 0; i < Attrs.Count; ++i) {
    var attr = Attrs[0];
    if (attr.ExplicitTarget == null)

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V3102 Suspicious access to element of 'seq' object by a constant index inside a loop. System.Xml-net_4_x XmlQueryRuntime.cs 679
  • V3102 Suspicious access to element of 'state' object by a constant index inside a loop. System.Web-net_4_x Login.cs 1223


V3102 Suspicious access to element of 'method.SequencePoints' object by a constant index inside a loop. CodeCoverageMethodTreeNode.cs 52

public override void ActivateItem()
  if (method != null && method.SequencePoints.Count > 0) {
    CodeCoverageSequencePoint firstSequencePoint =
    for (int i = 1; i < method.SequencePoints.Count; ++i) {
      CodeCoverageSequencePoint sequencePoint =

.NET Core Libraries (CoreFX)

V3102 Suspicious access to element of 'seq' object by a constant index inside a loop. XmlQueryRuntime.cs 738

public bool MatchesXmlType(IList<XPathItem> seq, int indexType)
  typBase = typBase.Prime;
  for (int i = 0; i < seq.Count; i++)
    if (!CreateXmlType(seq[0]).IsSubtypeOf(typBase)) // <=
      return false;

  return true;

Telerik UI for UWP

V3102 Suspicious access to element of 'x' object by a constant index inside a loop. DataEngine.cs 1718

public bool Equals(object[] x, object[] y)
  for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++)
    if (!object.Equals(x[0], y[0]))    // <=
       return false;
  return true;


V3102 Suspicious access to element of 'def.formal_parameters.params_list[i].idents.idents' object by a constant index inside a loop. LambdaHelper.cs 402

public static typed_expression
  for (int i = 0; i < def.formal_parameters.params_list.Count; i++)
    for (int j = 0;
      j < def.formal_parameters.params_list[i].idents.idents.Count;
      var new_param = new common_parameter(....,
          def.formal_parameters.params_list[i].idents.idents[0]));  // <=


V3102 Suspicious access to element of 'parameters' object by a constant index inside a loop. OrleansGeneratedCodeHelper.cs 267

public static MethodInfo GetMethodInfoOrDefault(....)
  foreach (var method in interfaceType.GetMethods(  BindingFlags.Public
                                                  | BindingFlags.NonPublic
                                                  | BindingFlags.Instance))
    var parameters = method.GetParameters();
    if (parameters.Length != parameterTypes.Length)

    for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++)
      if (!parameters[0].ParameterType.Equals(parameterTypes[i]))  // <=

    return method;

.NET 8

V3102 Suspicious access to element of 'type.Instantiation' object by a constant index inside a loop. TypeLoaderEnvironment.GVMResolution.cs 32

private static string GetTypeNameDebug(TypeDesc type)
  string result;
  TypeDesc typeDefinition = type.GetTypeDefinition();
  if (type != typeDefinition)
    result = GetTypeNameDebug(typeDefinition) + "<";
    for (int i = 0; i < type.Instantiation.Length; i++)
      result += (i == 0 ? "" : ",") + GetTypeNameDebug(type.Instantiation[0]);
    return result + ">";

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