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Examples of errors detected by the V305…

Examples of errors detected by the V3051 diagnostic

V3051. An excessive type cast or check. The object is already of the same type.


V3051 An excessive type cast. The object is already of the 'FormsPivot' type. Xamarin.Forms.Platform.UAP TabbedPageRenderer.cs 73

public FormsPivot Control { get; private set; }

Brush ITitleProvider.BarBackgroundBrush
  set { (Control as FormsPivot).ToolbarBackground = value; }

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V3051 An excessive type cast. The object is already of the 'FormsPivot' type. Xamarin.Forms.Platform.UAP TabbedPageRenderer.cs 78
  • V3051 An excessive type cast. The object is already of the 'FormsPivot' type. Xamarin.Forms.Platform.UAP TabbedPageRenderer.cs 282
  • V3051 An excessive type cast. The object is already of the 'FormsPivot' type. Xamarin.Forms.Platform.WinRT.Phone TabbedPageRenderer.cs 175
  • And 2 additional diagnostic messages.

Old NASA World Wind (C#)

V3051 An excessive type cast. The object is already of the 'IWidget' type. PanelWidget.cs 749

protected IWidgetCollection m_ChildWidgets =
                            new WidgetCollection();

public interface IWidgetCollection
  IWidget this[int index] {get;set;}

public void Render(DrawArgs drawArgs)
 for(int index = m_ChildWidgets.Count-1; index>=0; index--)
   IWidget currentChildWidget =
            m_ChildWidgets[index] as IWidget; // <=

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V3051 An excessive type cast. The object is already of the 'IWidget' type. FormWidget.cs 1174
  • V3051 An excessive type cast. The object is already of the 'IWidget' type. RootWidget.cs 80
  • V3051 An excessive type cast. The object is already of the 'IWidget' type. RootWidget.cs 219
  • And 27 additional diagnostic messages.


V3051 An excessive type cast. The object is already of the 'MimeXmlBinding' type. SampleGenerator.cs 232

public string GenerateHttpGetMessage (Port port,
                                      OperationBinding obin,
                                      Operation oper,
                                      OperationMessage msg)
  MimeXmlBinding mxb =
    (MimeXmlBinding) obin.Output
                         .Find (typeof(MimeXmlBinding))
      as MimeXmlBinding;
  if (mxb == null) return req;

.NET Core Libraries (CoreFX)

V3051 An excessive type cast. The object is already of the 'Type' type. DbMetaDataFactory.cs 176

private DataTable ExecuteCommand(....)
  foreach (DataRow row in schemaTable.Rows)
               .Add(row["ColumnName"] as string,
                   (Type)row["DataType"] as Type);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V3051 An excessive type cast. The object is already of the 'Type' type. OdbcMetaDataFactory.cs 1109


V3051 An excessive type check. The object is already of the 'Exception' type. SmbFileInputStream.cs 107

protected internal virtual IOException SeToIoe(SmbException se)
  IOException ioe = se;
  Exception root = se.GetRootCause();
  if (root is TransportException)
    ioe = (TransportException)root;
    root = ((TransportException)ioe).GetRootCause();
  if (root is Exception)
    ioe = new IOException(root.Message);
  return ioe;


V3051 An excessive type cast. The object is already of the 'Item' type. Mobile.cs 11237

public Item Talisman
    return FindItemOnLayer( Layer.Talisman ) as Item;
public Item FindItemOnLayer( Layer layer )

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