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Examples of errors detected by the V301…

Examples of errors detected by the V3010 diagnostic

V3010. The return value of function 'Foo' is required to be utilized.


V3010 The return value of function 'ToArray' is required to be utilized. TemplateRepositoryTest.cs 570

public void Can_Get_Children_At_Root()
  using (var repository = CreateRepository(unitOfWork))
    CreateHierarchy(repository, unitOfWork).ToArray();

    // Act
    var children = repository.GetChildren(-1);

    // Assert
    Assert.AreEqual(1, children.Count());
    Assert.AreEqual(1, children.DistinctBy(x => x.Id).Count());


V3010 The return value of function 'Insert' is required to be utilized. InPlaceEditor.cs 166

public string Text { get; set; }
protected override void OnKeyUp(KeyEventArgs e)
  editor.Text.Insert(editor.CaretIndex, Environment.NewLine);


V3010 The return value of function 'Union' is required to be utilized. MappingBase.cs 274

public IEnumerable<PropertyMapping>
GetMappingForTable(SSDL.EntityType.EntityType table)
  var value = GetSpecificMappingForTable(table);
  var baseMapping = BaseMapping;
  if (baseMapping != null)
  return value;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V3010 The return value of function 'OrderBy' is required to be utilized. CodeCoverageMethodElement.cs 124

Space Engineers

V3010 The return value of function 'Format' is required to be utilized. Sandbox.Game MyEntity3DSoundEmitter.cs 72

public void Init(string cueName)
  if (m_arcade.Hash    == MyStringHash.NullOrEmpty &&
      m_realistic.Hash == MyStringHash.NullOrEmpty)
      "Could not find any sound for '{0}'", cueName));
    if (m_arcade.IsNull)
      string.Format(                                       // <=
        "Could not find arcade sound for '{0}'", cueName);
    if (m_realistic.IsNull)
      string.Format(                                       // <=
        "Could not find realistic sound for '{0}'", cueName);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V3010 The return value of function 'Format' is required to be utilized. Sandbox.Game MyEntity3DSoundEmitter.cs 74

Old NASA World Wind (C#)

V3010 The return value of function 'Combine' is required to be utilized. ConfigurationLoader.cs 943

private static void addExtendedInformation(....)
 if(toolBarImage.Length > 0 &&
      Path.Combine(...., toolBarImage);    // <=

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V3010 The return value of function 'Combine' is required to be utilized. ConfigurationLoader.cs 1361
  • V3010 The return value of function 'Combine' is required to be utilized. ConfigurationLoader.cs 1566
  • V3010 The return value of function 'Combine' is required to be utilized. ConfigurationLoader.cs 1687
  • And 1 additional diagnostic messages.


V3010 The return value of function 'ToString' is required to be utilized. ColumnTypeConverter.cs 91

public override object ConvertTo(.... object value,
                                 Type destinationType)
  if (destinationType == typeof(string)) {
    if (value == null) {
      return String.Empty;
    else {
      value.ToString(); // <=


V3010 The return value of function 'IsCardLayout' is required to be utilized. GitUI RevisionGrid.cs 2847

private void SetRevisionsLayout()
  IsCardLayout(); // <=

private bool IsCardLayout()
  return _layout == RevisionGridLayout.Card
   || _layout == RevisionGridLayout.CardWithGraph
   || _layout == RevisionGridLayout.LargeCard
   || _layout == RevisionGridLayout.LargeCardWithGraph;


V3010 The return value of function 'Concat' is required to be utilized. System.Management.Automation Parser.cs 4973

private CatchClauseAst CatchBlockRule(....
  ref List<TypeConstraintAst> errorAsts)
  if (errorAsts == null)
    errorAsts = exceptionTypes;
    errorAsts.Concat(exceptionTypes); // <=

Orchard CMS

V3010 The return value of function 'Except' is required to be utilized. AdminController.cs 140

public ActionResult Preview(string themeId, string returnUrl) {
  if (_extensionManager.AvailableExtensions()
  } else {
    var alreadyEnabledFeatures = GetEnabledFeatures();
    alreadyEnabledFeatures.Except(new[] { themeId });
    TempData[AlreadyEnabledFeatures] = alreadyEnabledFeatures;

Media Portal 2

V3010 The return value of function 'Contains' is required to be utilized. MovieFanArtHandler.cs 147

private SynchronizedCollection<Guid> _checkCache = ....;
private void ExtractFanArt(....)
  if (!MovieMetadataExtractor.SkipFanArtDownload)
      collectionMediaItemId.Value, collectionInfo, forceFanart);
    _checkCache.Contains(collectionMediaItemId.Value);     // <=

'Contains' function doesn't change '_checkCache' collection and return true if element contains in collection.


V3010 The return value of function 'OrderBy' is required to be utilized. ICSharpCode.SharpDevelop RefactoringService.cs 86

static IEnumerable<ITreeNode<IClass>> FindDerivedClassesTree
  var result = new List<TreeNode<IClass>>();
  result.OrderBy(node => node.Content.FullyQualifiedName); // <=
  return result;

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V3010 The return value of function 'ToString' is required to be utilized. CodeCompletion SymTable.cs 2145

Unity C# reference source code

V3010 CWE-252 The return value of function 'Concat' is required to be utilized. AnimationRecording.cs 455

static public UndoPropertyModification[] Process(....)
  return discardedModifications.ToArray();


V3010 The return value of function 'ToString' is required to be utilized. ImgProcTest.cs 80

public static RectanglesIntersectTypes
RotatedRectangleIntersection(RotatedRect rect1,
                             RotatedRect rect2,
                             out Point2f[] intersectingRegion)
  using (var intersectingRegionVec = new VectorOfPoint2f())
    int ret = NativeMethods
                         rect1, rect2, intersectingRegionVec.CvPtr);
    intersectingRegion = intersectingRegionVec.ToArray();
    return (RectanglesIntersectTypes) ret;

public void RotatedRectangleIntersectionVector()
  var rr1 = new RotatedRect(new Point2f(100, 100),
                            new Size2f(100, 100),
  var rr2 = new RotatedRect(new Point2f(130, 100),
                            new Size2f(100, 100),

  Cv2.RotatedRectangleIntersection(rr1, rr2,
                out var intersectingRegion);




V3010 The return value of function 'Intern' is required to be utilized. BasePaintedMask.cs 49

public static string Intern( string str )
  if ( str == null )
    return null;
  else if ( str.Length == 0 )
    return String.Empty;

  return String.Intern( str );

public BasePaintedMask( string staffer, int itemid )
                            : base( itemid + Utility.Random( 2 ) )
  m_Staffer = staffer;

  Utility.Intern( m_Staffer );

ONLYOFFICE Community Server

V3010 The return value of function 'Distinct' is required to be utilized. DbTenantService.cs 132

public IEnumerable<Tenant> GetTenants(string login, string passwordHash)
  //new password
  result = result.Concat(ExecList(q).ConvertAll(ToTenant)).ToList();

ONLYOFFICE Community Server

V3010 The return value of function 'ToString' is required to be utilized. UserPhotoManager.cs 678

private static void ResizeImage(ResizeWorkerItem item)
  using (var stream2 = new MemoryStream(data))
      item.DataStore.Save(fileName, stream2).ToString();

      AddToCache(item.UserId, item.Size, fileName);

ONLYOFFICE Community Server

V3010 The return value of function 'Replace' is required to be utilized. TextFileUserImporter.cs 252

private int GetFieldsMapping(....)
  if (NameMapping != null && NameMapping.ContainsKey(propertyField))
      propertyField = NameMapping[propertyField];

  propertyField.Replace(" ", "");


V3010 The return value of function 'AddHours' is required to be utilized. DateTimeFunctions.cs 1232

using System_DateTime = System.DateTime;

internal static System_DateTime MakeDateTime(....) { .... }

public static long mktime(....)
  var zone = PhpTimeZone.GetCurrentTimeZone(ctx);
  var local = MakeDateTime(hour, minute, second, month, day, year);

  switch (daylightSaving)
    case -1:
      if (zone.IsDaylightSavingTime(local))
        local.AddHours(-1);                   // <=
    case 0:
    case 1:
      local.AddHours(-1);                     // <=
      PhpException.ArgumentValueNotSupported("daylightSaving", daylightSaving);
  return DateTimeUtils.UtcToUnixTimeStamp(TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(local,

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V3010 The return value of function 'AddHours' is required to be utilized. DateTimeFunctions.cs 1239


V3010 The return value of function 'Insert' is required to be utilized. Filters.cs 150

public TextElement Filter(IEncodingProvider enc,
                          TextElement input,
                          bool closing)
  string str = input.AsText(enc.StringEncoding);

  if (pending)
    if (str.Length == 0) str = "\r";
    else if (str[0] != '\n') str.Insert(0, "\r"); // <=

  str = str.Replace("\r\n", "\n");
  if (str.Length != 0)
    pending = str[str.Length - 1] == '\r';

    if (!closing && pending) str.Remove(str.Length - 1, 1); // <=

  return new TextElement(str);

Similar errors can be found in some other places:

  • V3010 The return value of function 'Remove' is required to be utilized. Filters.cs 161


V3010 The return value of function 'ToDictionary' is required to be utilized. ReflectionExtensions.cs 34

public static MemberInfo[] GetPublicInstanceValueMembers(this Type type)
  if (type.IsAnonymous())
                                    .Select((p, i) => new { p.Name, i })
                                    .ToDictionary(_ => _.Name, _ => _.i);


V3010 The return value of function 'Replace' is required to be utilized. CBO.cs 1038

private static string GetTableName(Type objType)
  string tableName = string.Empty;

  // If no attrubute then use Type Name
  if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tableName))
    tableName = objType.Name;
    if (tableName.EndsWith("Info"))
      // Remove Info ending
      tableName.Replace("Info", string.Empty);


V3010 The return value of function 'Insert' is required to be utilized. PermissionController.cs 64

public static string BuildPermissions(IList Permissions, string PermissionKey)
  // get string
  string permissionsString = permissionsBuilder.ToString();

  // ensure leading delimiter
  if (!permissionsString.StartsWith(";"))
    permissionsString.Insert(0, ";");



V3010 The return value of function 'Replace' is required to be utilized. SkinInstaller.cs 230

public override void Install()
  skinFile.Replace(Globals.HostMapPath + "\\", "[G]");

BTCPay Server

V3010 The return value of function 'BadRequest' is required to be utilized. ChangellyController.cs 72

public async Task<IActionResult> CalculateAmount(....)
    while (true)
      if (callCounter > 10)
        BadRequest();                                         // <=
      var computedAmount = await client.GetExchangeAmount(....);

      if (computedAmount < toCurrencyAmount)
        return Ok(currentAmount);
  catch (Exception e)
    return BadRequest(new BitpayErrorModel()
      Error = e.Message


V3010 The return value of function 'Select' is required to be utilized. Eto PropertyDescriptorHelpers.cs 209

public static IEnumerable<IPropertyDescriptor> GetProperties(Type type)
  if (s_GetPropertiesMethod != null)
    ((ICollection)s_GetPropertiesMethod.Invoke(null, new object[] { type }))
                                       .Select(r => Get(r));  // <=
  return type.GetRuntimeProperties().Select(r => Get(r));


V3010 The return value of function 'Trim' is required to be utilized. GameServer.cs 1589

private void ClientWriteInitial(Client c, IWriteMessage outmsg)

  if (gameStarted)

    if (ownedSubmarineIndexes.Length > 0)


V3010 The return value of function 'Union' is required to be utilized. Akka.Cluster.Sharding EventSourcedRememberEntitiesCoordinatorStore.cs 123

protected override bool ReceiveRecover(object message)
  switch (message)
    case ShardId shardId:
    case SnapshotOffer offer when ....:
    case SnapshotOffer offer when ....:
      _shards.Union(state.Shards);      // <=
    case RecoveryCompleted _:
    case MigrationMarker _:
      _writtenMarker = true;
      return true;


V3010 The return value of function 'Concat' is required to be utilized. GuildHelper.cs 431

public static async Task<RestGuildUser> AddGuildUserAsync(....)
  if (args.Roles.IsSpecified)
    var ids = args.Roles.Value.Select(r => r.Id);

    if (args.RoleIds.IsSpecified)
      args.RoleIds.Value.Concat(ids);                  // <=
      args.RoleIds = Optional.Create(ids);


V3010 The return value of function 'Integrate' is required to be utilized. EndSlopeSpline.cs 26

public EndSlopeSpline(....):base(....)
  m = new Matrix(n);
  gauss = new MatrixSolver(n, m);
  a = new double[n];
  b = new double[n];
  c = new double[n];
  d = new double[n];
  h = new double[n];

  CalcParameters(firstSlopeDegrees, lastSlopeDegrees);
  Integrate();                                            // <=


V3010 The return value of function 'Add' is required to be utilized. Filter.cs 140

internal void DateValueChanged(DateTime? value)
  _valueDate = value;

  if (value != null)
    var date = value.Value.Date;

    // get the time component and add it to the date.
    if (_valueTime != null)
      date.Add(_valueTime.Value);                    // <=

    _filterDefinition.Value = date;
    _filterDefinition.Value = value;



V3010 The return value of function 'Distinct' is required to be utilized. OrderReportService.cs 342

public virtual async Task<....> GetOrderAverageReportLineAsync(....)

  if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderNotes))
    query = from o in query
            join n in _orderNoteRepository.Table on o.Id equals n.OrderId
            where n.Note.Contains(orderNotes)
            select o;

    query.Distinct();                          // <=



V3010 The return value of function 'Concat' is required to be utilized. LooterBrain.cs 154

public class LooterBrain : Brain
  public override void Think(int tickCounter)
    if (LootLegendaries)

.NET 9

V3010 The return value of function 'Trim' is required to be utilized. AppleSdk.cs 107

private string GetXCodeDevRoot()
  string path = "";
  string output;

  if (!File.Exists ("/usr/bin/xcode-select"))
    throw new Exception(....);

    (int exitCode, output) = Utils.TryRunProcess(....);

    output.Trim();                      // <=
    if (Directory.Exists(output))
    { .... }

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